public event System.Windows.Input.ProcessInputEventHandler PostProcessInput; 事件类型 ProcessInputEventHandler 注解 筛选器是侦听 PreProcessInput 或PostProcessInput的任何代码。 筛选器可以修改输入暂存区域。 附加到 PostProcessInput 的处理程序按相反的顺序调用,以便先调用用户添加的处理程序,然后再调...
ProcessInputEventArgs ProcessInputEventHandler QueryCursorEventArgs QueryCursorEventHandler RestoreFocusMode RoutedCommand RoutedUICommand SpeechMode StagingAreaInputItem 手寫筆 手寫筆Button StylusButtonCollection StylusButtonEventArgs StylusButtonEventHandler StylusButtonState ...
Tone mapping is the process of converting HDR colors to LDR output colors. When using postprocessing, thetoneMappingsetting on the renderer should be set toNoToneMapping(default) and high precision frame buffers should be enabled. Otherwise, colors will be mapped to[0.0, 1.0]at the start of ...
! Error while running '$ python collectstatic --noinput'. See traceback above for details. You may need to update application code to resolve this error. Or, you can disable collectstatic for this application: $ heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 https://devcenter.heroku...
gpu-id: 0 process-mode Mode of operation Full Frame (Primary 1) or on Object (Secondary 2) Integer 1=Primary(On Full Frame) ,2=Secondary (On Object) process-mode: 1 gie-unique-id Perform tensor meta parsing on output of gie-unique-id ...
Returns --- pb_utils.ModelConfig An object containing the auto-completed model configuration """ inputs = [{ 'name': 'INPUT0', 'data_type': 'TYPE_FP32', 'dims': [4], # this parameter will set `INPUT0 as an optional input` 'optional': True }, { 'name': 'INPUT1', 'data_t...
"post_process_function": "\n return params['response'][0].generated_text; \n" I have this [ { "generated_text": "Your Generated text" } ] and i want to convert it to this below using post process function { "completion": "Your Generated text" ...
returnnewPostProcessStageComposite({46name : 'czm_silhouette',47stages : [silhouetteGenerateProcess, silhouetteProcess],48inputPreviousStageTexture :false,49uniforms : uniforms50});51}; 通过浏览代码发现,该函数最后的返回结果是PostProcessStageComposite对象,该对象包含了silhouetteGenerateProcess和silhouette...
(input.vertexID); output.texcoord = GetFullScreenTriangleTexCoord(input.vertexID); return output; } // List of properties to control your post process effect float _Intensity; TEXTURE2D_X(_MainTex); float4 CustomPostProcess(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_...