4(a. )(aC) hCahnagnegeininplpalsamsmaavvoolulummee((%%))ffrroomm ppoosstt--eexxeerrcciisseettiimmeeppooinintstsdduurirnigngthtehemmaltaoltdoedxetrxitnrin (M(DM)Da)nadnwd hwehyepyrportoetinein(W(WP)Pt)rtirailasl.s.(b(b))TThheesseerruumm oossmmoollaalliittyy ((mmoossmm//kgk)...
ththeepRoSstS- fipnrogceerspsriinngt amlgeoarsiuthremmdenestcarnibdedpoinsittihoins wproerdki.cTtihoen paorestb-portohcpesesrifnogrmalegdorfiitvhemtimcaensmcoitnitgiantueotuhselye.ffTechtes poof setn-pvirroocnemsseinngt cahlgaonrgieths mbyisdiaspcaprldieidngtointchoerfirevcet dperecdisiicotn...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article STAT3 Post-Translational Modifications Drive Cellular Signaling Pathways in Prostate Cancer Cells Rossana Cocchiola 1 , Elisabetta Rubini 1 , Fabio Altieri 1 , Silvia Chichiarelli 1 , Giuliano Paglia 1 , Donatella Romaniello 2 , Stefania Carissimi 1 ...
.EELLOOVVLL55wwaasshhigighhlylyeexxppreressseeddininlilviveerrtitsissuueeaannddininccrreeaasseeddrraappididlylydduurrininggththeeppeeaakk-l-alayyiningg ppeerrioiodd. .(A(A) )TTisissuueeeexxpprreesssioionnpprroofifileleooffEELLOOVVLL55ininlalayyiningghheennss; ;(B(B))EExxpprreesssioionnp...
2 LAQV@REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4168-007 Porto, Portugal * Correspondence: cifra@savba.sk; Tel.: +421-2-32294313 Received: 26 October 2018; Accepted: 21 November 2018; Published: 23 November 2018...
nutrients Article Improvement of Antioxidant Defences and Mood Status by Oral GABA Tea Administration in a Mouse Model of Post-Stroke Depression Maria Daglia 1,*, Arianna Di Lorenzo 1,2, Seyed Fazel Nabavi 3, Antoni Sureda 4, Sedigheh Khanjani 5, Akbar Hajizadeh Moghaddam 6, Nady Braidy 7...
2 Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, CBQF—Centro de Biotecnologia e Quimica Fina—Laboratorio Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, 4200-375 Porto, Portugal; ferraro.vincenza@hotmail.com (V.F.); marianarorizcosta@gmail.com (M.C.R.); mvasconcelos@porto.ucp.pt (M.W.V.); mpintado@...
H OH metabolites OH Review Adenosine 5 -Triphosphate Metabolism in Red Blood Cells as a Potential Biomarker for Post-Exercise Hypotension and a Drug Target for Cardiovascular Protection † Pollen K. Yeung * ID , Shyam Sundar Kolathuru, Sheyda Mohammadizadeh, Fatemeh Akhoundi and Brett Linder...
2 Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS), INESC Technology and Science (INESC-TEC), 4200-465 Porto, Portugal * Correspondence: luispadua@utad.pt; Tel.: +351-259-350-762 (ext. 4762) Received: 30 January 2020; Accepted: 3 April 2020; Published: 7 April 2020 ...
materials Article Specification of Environmental Consequences of the Life Cycle of Selected Post-Production Waste of Wind Power Plants Blades Katarzyna Piotrowska 1,* and Izabela Piasecka 2 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, 20-618 Lublin, Poland 2 Faculty of ...