Post-operative patient education: a systematic review. Clin Nurs Res. 2010;19:144e164.Fredericks S, Guruge S, Sidani S, Wan T. Post- operative patient education: A systematic review. Clinical Nursing Research: An Int J. 2010;19 (2):144-64....
Patients were enrolled on their first post-operative visit. Patients were randomized to undergo standard post-operative patient education or view an educational video of the surgeon explaining precautions, medications, and expectations for the post-operative period. Patients who viewed the video then ...
Every patient receives a customized treatment plan designed by Carolina Pintos, a renowned physical therapist with over 18 years of experience in post-operative therapy and lymphatic health. Carolina, with a B.S. in Physical Therapy and specialization in post-surgery recovery, ensures each therapy ...
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed at finding out current practice of endodontics amongst Nigerian dentists undergoing postgraduate training (also referred to as dental resident doctors) in different institutions across the nation. METHODS: a questionnaire-b
Most post-operative patients were admitted to the ICU in the evening. Each patient was monitored for an average of 6.8 day-time hours and 8.8 night-time hours, although these figures varied considerably between patients. None of the patients withdrew from the study. Statistical analysis Figure 1...
Define postdelivery. postdelivery synonyms, postdelivery pronunciation, postdelivery translation, English dictionary definition of postdelivery. adj of, relating to, or occurring after a delivery Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t
the majority of the research lean against its use long term. One study found that functional bracing does not protect the reconstructed ACL nor improve long-term patient outcomes when compared to non-braced participants. (2). Also, another systematic review showed that post operative bracing does...
Post-operative adhesions form as a result of normal wound healing processes following any type of surgery. In cardiac surgery, pericardial adhesions are particularly problematic during reoperations, as surgeons must release the adhesions from the surface of the heart before the intended procedure can ...
Post-operative tachyarrhythmias in adult cardiac surgery: Prophylaxis. Cirugia Cardiovascular. 2010;17:259-274. DOI: Https:// (in Spanish: Taquiarritmias postoperatorias en la cirugía cardíaca del adulto. Profilaxis) 12. Zaman AG, Archbold RA, ...
New Stoma Patients' Experiences During Post - Operative Nursing Care The purpose of this study was to find out the essential concerns for stoma patients and the core information that patient are eager to know concerning stoma care. The aim of this study was to provide information that can help...