Blog Post written by Steph Allen, DPT, OCS. Steph has a particular passion for ACL research and rehabilitation and hopes to be instrumental in making positive changes, both in in post op rehab and risk reduction programs. I asked Steph to write on this topic after hearing her Interview on ...
Body part FootVelpeau Air CAM Walking Boot for Broken Foot - Dual Independent Inflatable - Orthopedic Boot for Stress Fracture, Post-Op Rehab (Unisex, Tall, Medium) AnkleUnited Ortho USA14115 Short Air Cam Walker Fracture Boot, Medium, Black Left or Right FootMcK...
Functionality test results were compared before and after PR, including 6-minute walk test (6MWT), chair rise repetitions (CR reps), timed up and go test (TUG), gait speed (Rehab gait), modified medical research council scale (MMRC), shortness of breath questionnaire (SOBQ), hospital ...
The cut point used to define PSD can also be adjusted; for example, many centers recommend a lower threshold for MoCA when used in stroke settings. Choice of assessment should also be guided by other factors such as availability, familiarity, and feasibility (Table 1). Feasibility is of ...
Home Care, Cardiac Rehab Cutting Post-Op CostsSolnik, Claude
The study sample comprised 854 patients, all of whom completed the 3MFU, from 27 study centers. The calculation of PCS score was possible for 581 patients (68.0%) without PROMs and for 603 patients (70.6%) with PROMs at 3MFU. Of those patients with PCS score including PROMs, 97.0% had...
Before the first injection set, participants were instructed to rank 5 therapeutic goals among a list determined by the panel of principal investigators of all centers. They could add another therapeutic goal if desired. This ranking was made with the physician's help, taking into account both ...
As genre rehabs go, ‘Grindhouse’ is more daring and audacious than most, partly due to its conception as an entire program complete with two pictures, four tailor-made trailers and various for-real interstitial bits, but more so ...
As genre rehabs go, ‘Grindhouse’ is more daring and audacious than most, partly due to its conception as an entire program complete with two pictures, four tailor-made trailers and various for-real interstitial bits, but more so becaus...
5.2. Study Design and Participants ONTIME was a Phase IV, prospective, exploratory, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, conducted at four centers in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines, initiated in December 2014 and completed in March 2016. Inclusion criteria included...