Life threatening postoperative airway respiratory distress can occur at late as 7days post anterior cervical spinal fusion. Etiology includes angioedema, retropharyngeal hematoma, pharyngolaryngeal edema, cervical abscess, or cerebrospinal fluid leak. In an emergent situation, efficient performance of crico...
Cervical spine surgeries: - ACDF - Disc replacement (CDR) - Laminectomy - Fusion - Laminoplasty - Laminoforaminotomy Lumbar spine surgeries: - Microdiscectomy - Laminotomy - Foraminotomy - Laminectomy - Spinal fusion Also useful for individuals with diagnoses such as herniated disc, spinal stenosis...
A 53-year old female suffering from atlanto-axial subluxation due to advanced rheumatoid arthritis was scheduled for posterior fusion of the occipital bone and cervical spine. The trachea was transnasally intubated with a spiral tube, using the fiber-optic bronchoscope because of being unable to op...
19,2~ Cervical CSF fentanyl concentrations averaged twice the MEC although the range of values was large. When fentanyl is administered by epidural infusion, as opposed to bolus injection, the direct CNS effects are blurred by the steady increase in plasma concentrations that result. There is no...
Post-Operative Clinical and Radiographical Study on the Partial Vertebrectomy and Fusion of the Cervical Spine池畑孝二郎
Micro Lumbar Discectomy PLIF (Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion) Reconstruction of Traumatic Cervical Spine with Vascular Fibular Graft Tumors placed Anteriorly at Cervico Medullary Junction Trauma Causing Burst Factor At Dorso Lumbar Region Anterior Transoral Approach to Upper Cervical Spine ...
Gabapentin attenuates late but not early postoperative pain after thyroidectomy with superficial cervical plexus block. Anesth Analg. 2008;107(5):1720–1725. 42. Butt A, Mohammad K, Ommid M, Ahmad M, Jehan N, Qazi S. A randomized double blind placebo controlled study of prophylactic gabapentin...
in addition to the observation thatO-GlcNAcylation promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis by enhancing the oncogenic activity of HPV in vitro and in mouse models,O-GlcNAcylation was found to promote lung metastasis of cervical cancer by modifying nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and thus activating C...
(HealthDay)—The readmission rate following anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is 2.5 percent, and hypertension may increase the likelihood of readmission, according to a study published in the Jan. 15 issue ofSpine. Francis Lovecchio, from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of ...
In most cases, no action is taken on the basis of patient's routine postoperative laboratory data after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, according to a study published in the Sept. 15 issue ofSpine. (HealthDay)—In most cases, no action is taken on the basis of patient's routine ...