United States to grant the president immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts he commits while in office, wrote: “The long-term consequences of today’s decison are stark… The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, perhaps the world. When he ...
It’s like the story that’s apocryphally attributed to Niels Bohr, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist. A friend of his was visiting his office and kept looking up at the horseshoe over the door. Finally, he could no longer contain his curiosity. Could it really be that a mind as remark...
Institute for History of Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Vaclav Smrcka Centre for Archaeological Research, Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan Victor Merts Malmö Museer, Malmö, Sweden Yvonne Magnusson Institute of Statistical Sciences, School ...
The early investors included Western VCs such as StratMinds VC, AGI House Ventures and Rocky Yu, BBQ Capital and Nemke Kostic, The Patel family office, Amanda Schloss family office, Broocknell Ventures, etc. OneNotary, a startup offering online notarization services, closed a $5 million ...
which in Prague, also cooperates with the Office of Landscape and Green Infrastructure at Prague Institute of Planning and Development. Brno also has an agricultural department, which deals with administrative and technical issues. In both cities, urban agriculture and farmers’ markets are also manage...
except for the night when we checked into the complex management office (and he seemed to stay right there). Each morning I set up my FSL antenna on a 5′ PVC base in the large open patio area behind our condo from 0400-0700 local time (1400-1700 UTC), and never was questioned by...
Department of Trade and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamýcká 129, 165 00 Prague, Czech Republic * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Economies2023,11(4), 112;https://doi.org/10.3390/economies11040112 ...
Dubček’s Square changed its appearance from a street to a civic amenities centre with a new post office and small department store on its eastern side, which had not yet been developed. Adjacent to the original urban structure, the area of “associated” functions necessary for the ...
Odluka o Izmenama i Dopunama Odluke o Davanju u Zakup Poslovnog Prostora u Javnoj Svojini Grada Novog Sada [Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Leasing Office Space in Public Property in the City of Novi Sad]; No. 68/17; Official Gazette of the City of Novi Sad: Novi Sad, ...