For example,The interest rate on PPF has a markup of 25 basis points over and above the G-Sec rate(Govt Bonds rate). So, if comparable maturity G-sec rate is say 8.5% then the interest rate on PPF will be determined as 8.75%.(One Basis Point is equivalent to 0.01%) So investment ...
1) Post Office Fixed Deposits:Post office offers term deposits (fixed deposits) for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and 5 year period. Latest Post Office interest rates on FD for 1 to 4 years is 5.5%. The New interest rate on 5 years Post office FD is 6.7%. These FD rates are compounde...
which is payable every month. You can check Post Office MIS interest rate calculator to know the exact amount you would get. If you are a Senior Citizen, investing in post office monthly income account is one of the best way to get safe monthly income...