Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 post′ of`fice n. office or station of a government postal system at which mail is received and sorted, from which it is...
1. chiefly Brit letters, packages, etc, that are transported and delivered by the Post Office; mail 2. chiefly Brit a single collection or delivery of mail 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit an official system of mail delivery 4. (Telecommunications) an item of electronic mail made...
You can find the post office on the corner of the street. 你可以在街道的拐角处找到邮局。 Please put the letter in the post box. 请把信放进信箱里。 The postman delivered a package to me this morning. 邮递员今天早上给我送了一个包裹。 The postal service is very efficient in this country...
general post office n US (main post office branch) SC 邮政总局 yóu zhèng zǒng jú TC 郵政總局 The general post office is located in the neighborhood of Chelsea. goalpost, goal post n (upright bar indicating goal area) (本义) SC 球门门柱 qiú mén mén zhù TC 球門門柱 The football...
Parcels may arrive for customers to pick up in your office that are not part of your normal delivery area. Your responsibility is to know how to recognize a Parcel Select "Hold For Pickup" parcel so that delivery of these items to the street address of the customer is not attempted. 30...
Yesterday, when I asked the Met press office if the Sunday Mirror piece (which does not appear to be available online) and Tony Collins' reporting of it was correct, I was told that "a man and a woman have been interviewed under caution on suspicion of perjury". ...
For the second time this year East Orange post office has delivered my package incorrectly or not at all. I do not understand, if someone lives in a multi unit and their mailbox is not big enough to hold packages, why not take it back to the post office and leave a note for pick ...
25 High Street, 布罗德韦显示地图 The Old Post Office位于布罗德韦,距离皇家莎士比亚剧团有25公里,距离库顿法院有28公里。客人可以在周边地区体验徒步。这家住宿距离皇家莎士比亚剧院有25公里,提供花园和免费私人停车位。 这家度假屋配备2间卧室、带冰箱和洗碗机的厨房以及1间带淋浴设施、吹风机和洗衣机的浴室。这家度...
Collins Place6.43公里 The Walk Arcade6.66公里 Galleria Melbourne6.73公里 Space2b Social Design465 米 206 Bourke Street6.79公里 St. Collins Lane6.57公里 The Strand Melbourne6.94公里 Centrepoint6.72公里 墨尔本月亮公园1.65公里 圣基尔达海滩1.9公里
City of Chelsea (2005) Design Guidelines for the Residential 3 (R3), Retail Business 2 (BR2), and Light Industrial/Office 2 (LI2) Districts, Revised 2013. City of Chelsea, pp. 1–4. City of Chelsea (2006) Capital Improvement Program 2006–2010. City of Chelsea, pp...