派生 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PostItemClass 属性 GuidAttribute 实现 _PostItem ItemEvents_10_Event 注解这是派生自 COM Coclass(托管代码要求此 Coclass 来实现与相应的 COM 对象的互操作性)的 .NET 接口。 使用此派生的接口来访问所有方法、属性和 COM 对象的事件成员。 但是,如果您想要使用的方法或...
Multistep Form Metadata Multistep Form Session Navigation Setting New Process NL2SQ Registration Information NonRelational Data Source Note Notification OData v4 Data Source Office Graph Document Option Set Value OptionSet Organization OrganizationDataSyncFnoState OrganizationDataSyncState OrganizationDataSyncSubsc...
1. chiefly Brit letters, packages, etc, that are transported and delivered by the Post Office; mail 2. chiefly Brit a single collection or delivery of mail 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit an official system of mail delivery 4. (Telecommunications) an item of electronic mail made...
2.0 Post Office Locator API - External2.1 Overview2.1.1 API Signature2.2 Request Descriptions2.2.1 Sample Request2.3 Response Descriptions2.3.1 Sample Response3.0 Error Responses3.1 Overview3.1.1 Error Response Parameters3.1.2 Sample Error Response...
Office.Interop.Word Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Determines if PRINT field instructions (such as PostScript commands) in a document are to be printed on top of text and graphics when a PostScript printer is used. C# 複製 public bool PrintPostScriptOverText { get; set; } ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll Represents a post in a public folder that others may browse.C# Kopyala [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid("00063024-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] public interface PostItem : Microsoft.Office.Interop....
Office.Interop.Outlook Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll This is a .NET class or a member of a .NET class created when processing a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. Use this class only when you have to access...
How much should I pay to rent the post office box? I want to rent a post office box.我想租一个邮政信箱。 学外语,当然威尔森外语! 与世界对话,从威尔森开始! Study in Wilson,Speak to the world! 学习热线:85569765 学校地址...
Isle of Man Post Office Online Postage First Day of Service Limited Edition Cover Limited to only 100 pieces & complete with a certificate of authenticity Peter Pan Coin Collections Part one and two and three of this magical collection now available Father Christmas Hark back to the days of ...
Shop by Collection Shop by Product Delivery and Returns Order before 10am for same day despatch Contact Us +44 (0)1624 698430 (Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm) stamps@iompost.com Isle of Man Stamps & Coins, PO Box IOM, Isle of Man Post Office, Douglas, ISLE OF MAN, IM99 1PB ...