post office box邮政信箱 post officen. 1.[C]邮局 a. 1.邮局的,邮政的 post box邮政信箱 Office Numbern.局号 box officen. 1.票房,票房收入 相似单词 post officea. 邮局的,邮政部的 box officea. 票房的 postn. 1.[U]【主英】邮政(制度);邮寄 2.[U]邮件;(一次投递的)邮件 3.【英】邮筒,邮... box number- the number of a letter box at the post office where mail is collected box number,PO Box No,PO box number mailing address- the address where a person or organization can be communicated with Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Prin...
ca 92103是邮政编码,其中CA是加州.美国的邮政编码都是这样的 美国的邮政编码post office
Street 是指街道的名称;Apartment Number 是指(公寓中的)某个房间号;Post Office Box 是指某个邮政信箱号码。(注意:邮政信箱是邮局借出和管理的信箱,不是私人信箱)对就是地址,你的门派号,街道名称,公寓号以及邮政编码当然,按照号码(代表中文中某某街多少号中的号码)-街道-门牌号或家庭邮箱...
post office box numberphr. 邮政信箱号码 post office order邮政汇票 post office box(P.O.B)邮政信箱 post office inspectors【法】 邮政视察官 post office box邮政信箱 post officen. 1.[C]邮局 a. 1.邮局的,邮政的 post box邮政信箱 box officen. 1.票房,票房收入 ...
post-office-box — see also PO box 例句 释义: 全部,邮政信箱 更多例句筛选 1. Howmuchistherentfor apostofficebox? 邮局信箱的租金是多少? 2. Wegaveyouapost-officeboxtwoandahalfmonthsagoandwrotetoyouthatdaytotellyou yourboxnumber. ...
详细了解 Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.EntitySearch.Models 命名空间中的 Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.EntitySearch.Models.PostalAddress.PostOfficeBoxNumber。
当然,按照号码(代表中文中某某街多少号中的号码)-街道-门牌号或家庭邮箱号的顺序 你好
oncRpcNumber Operating-System 作業系統 Hotfix Operating-System-Service-Pack 作業系統版本 Operator-Count Option-Description 選項 Options-Location organizationalStatus 組織單位名稱 Organization-Name Original-Display-Table Original-Display-Table-MSDOS Other-Login-Workstations Other-Mailbox Other-Name Other-Well...
I was launching a new online startup and was looking for a registration address as well as a PO Box. What I truly love about ukpostbox is that they scan your letters when you receive them, and then you can choose what to do with it - recycle or forward. That means I can receive ...