“I’ve seen it on the news but it’s my first time seeing it in person,” said Baton Rouge resident Chester Matthews, 35, as he stood beside the memorial, taking it in. “People lost their lives on the same streets we’re walking on. I just had to take a moment to reflect on ...
My cat’s name is Lily. She is a himalayan kitty with beautiful long white and silver hair. She loves being groomed. I just got her and I am her third owner and final owner. She is 7. It would make us closer if I could groom her the TheBlueGlove. Thank you for considering my L...
第一天1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原**的心脏的跳动。2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽.3. Early I searched thr...
She got huffy, scolded me some more about how I was supposed to have it on all the time either way (funny since she’d just said I needed it when talking to customers) and went away when I held it up in front of my face like I was going to put it back around my head. I als...
Down jumped Tommy, and, walking gravely to the far corner of the office, began to carefully wash his face and paws. It was a ceremony, and not a vestige of his late feast remained at the end of fifteen minutes. Once in order he came warbling back to his friends; but meantime a mai...
Genetically tuxies are piebald or bi-colored cats. They are black with white patches on their paws, chest, throat, belly, and chin. You may also find tuxies sporting white faces along with their distinctive bow tie. If you own a tuxie, you will declare to the world that your pet is ...
2 2364 - Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard 2365 - My Fashion Studio 2366 - Paws & Claws - Pet Vet - Healing Hands (Repack) 2367 - DS GoStop 2368 - Wacky Races: Crash & Dash 2369 - Arkanoid DS 2370 - Space Invaders Extreme 2371 - La Guida in Cucina: Che si Mangia Oggi 2372 ...
By seven years old, her parents decided she was old enough for a little responsibility, and was given a pet, a young black female kitten with white tufts of fur on it’s paws, nose, and tip of it’s tail, which she named Melinda. The young girl seemed to connect with the kitten ...
A small number contain threats which require her to contact the celebrity’s security team and law enforcement. The biggest problem for Taylor is working out how to deal with the correspondence(通信). Presents such as soft toys are sent to local hospitals, and most of the letters just get ...
I’ve never seen so many beautiful things! Snoopy car chair covers, Hello Kitty toilet roll holders, over-sized Lacoste belts, plastic cats which wave their paws, and fibreglass rods with neon fireworks coming out of the top! Such beauty! Ah, here’s that lamp she was asking for. ...