public class Test : MonoBehaviour { public Button btn; public Button btn2; public Image ImageView; AndroidJavaObject jo; public string UntreatedBase64; private void Awake() { /* * 提示:该行代码过长,系统自动注释不进行高亮。一键会移除系统注释 * UntreatedBase64 = "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/...
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou...wait...oh crap, what do… Lookback At the Year With Moonpig As 2020 finally limps to the finish line it’s time for our… Moonpig x KFC A Kentucky Fried Christmas: the 15 Festive Chicken Puns You… Meet the Artists Meet the Artists: Hello from ...
Posts:1,300 Code: kerui group co;ied2e <central machinery sa;ied2f grout incorporated;ied2g jl electric llc;ied2h idbi federal life in;ied2i landmark constructio;ied2j rocky mountain holid;ied2k iglesia doral jesus;ied2l direct two market sa;ied2m dang hung company lt;ied2n offshore cont...
“A good friend of me took me animal tracking and taught me a lot of things about bird calls and paw prints and that sort of thing. There was this combination of things that over time gave me the start for a story. But again this was taking a good few years because I had never at...
For just like you I made myself a work of art I'll never hide, I can't I'm too shiny! I think this verges on a pretty interesting parallel between Maui and Tamatoa. If you squint, both are more interested in presenting themself a certain way than being developed and good people,...
We are a post-psychedelic collage-rock band who makes textured music for those who enjoy getting high or tripping out. Band: The Greening Album:… What's your vision? An LP cover for a new album that fits or compliments the sound. General themes: dystopia, psychedelic tinges, love, ...
’ (Ritzén2018) The pretence that the dog listens extends to its supposed preferences, leading the children to consider the dogs’ opinions about book choices: ‘When Teodora gets told to choose the book that [the child] is going to read, she lays her paw on the thickest and most ...
JtsqrpXtm!t%_IuwA`_vFO#;P9Z@MovP4D;m-qGD-|P0&tJ{CQ!A+Q*lN~PsaSs zmjKwu$V?^L2N74;Puk$+YjFJK^@}ja2$3QTGsD1Vq|8mOjo-@V!en+gw``NwdmY}+ z7b{Y`>GNSod*`zmvr zCnFB@7dH-p{dsLgMGq8~Q-l4CZeVYmXw4a6vl>B;3d*f21eY;(3v~HJDa)#?F__!F z5ADP}oMT@mqCUNQ2*oMu...
The big ape is crowded by trees and partially obscured by an earthen mound that supports his ready-to-pose-in paw. Kong's other hand currently holds a little Cessna because his biplane has been stolen so many times over the years. Although Joe died in 1987, the attraction remains in ...
Auroraa-art⭐ Mid Level 4.9 (28) Invite to work Discover more Postcard, flyer or print designers We think contests are a super fun way to get design. Recently completed contests: Winner Finished19 days ago LOGO SECRETAIRE VIRTUELLE MULTI TACHES Bronze package Le logo doit représenter ...