Graduate Certificate Programs Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Online Why Get an FNP Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate? While a family nurse practitioner MSN provides you with a broad and generalized scope of knowledge, the FNP post-master’s certification is more specialized and takes your prior ...
Nurse Practitioner educators have been challenged to develop curricula that culminate with the Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP). Initial efforts focused on DNP completion programs for MSN educated NPs. The next step is the design of DNP curriculums for the non-NP, generally nurses entering ...
The AACN recommendations for the DNP as the minimum requirement for entry into NP practice by 2015 prompted the development of both post MSN DNP programs for NPs and post BSN programs designed to for initial preparation for advanced practice. DNP curricula must be examined to verify achievement ...
METHODS. In order to achieve the designated American Burn Association (ABA) competencies, our center designed a program based on Patricia Benner's Novice to Expert nursing theory. Additionally, we divided the competencies into achievable goals and domains using the Donna Wright's nursing competency ...