The POST method consumes a lot of time when working with large binary files. Compare GET vs. POST Below is some major differences of GET vs. POST Key Differences Between GET and POST Method In GET method, values are visible in the URL while in the POST method, values are not visible in...
其中的“<METHOD>"可以是GET也可以是POST,或者其他的HTTP Method,如PUT、DELETE、OPTION……。从协议...
PUT(把内容放到指定URL),DELETE(删除某个URL代表的资源),虽然都修改了资源内容,但多次操作,结果是相同的,因此和HEAD,GET一样都是幂等的。 所以根据HTTP协议,GET是安全的,也是幂等的,而POST既不是安全的,也不是幂等的。 按约定我们使用Get来做读操作,使用Post来新增或者修改(资源)。 HTTP的其他请求方式 参考 H...
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosedinthe request according to the resource's own specific semantics. 勉强渣翻一下,再加上点自己的理解: GET的语义是请求获取指定的资源。GET方法是安全、幂等、可缓存的(除非有 Cache-Control Header的约束),GET方法的报文主体...
GET requests have length restrictions GET requests are only used to request data (not modify) The POST Method POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. The data sent to the server with POST is stored in the request body of the HTTP request: ...
Form标签的method属性有get和post两个值,其主要区别是: ①数据去向不同 get请求从服务器上获得资源,而post是用来向服务器提交数据,比如,注册邮箱提交的个人信息。 ②表单数据传递形式不同 get将表单中数据按照name=value的形式,添加到action 所指向的url后面,且用"?"连接,各变量之间用"&"连接。 比如: itexample...
GET is basically used for just getting (retrieving) some data from the server.Note:The GET method may return cached data. POST can also be used to get some data from the server. However, the POST method NEVER caches data, and is often used to send data along with the request. ...
GET和POST是由HTTP协议定义的。在HTTP协议中,Method和Data(URL, Body, Header)是正交的两个概念,也就是说,使用哪个Method与应用层的数据如何传输是没有相互关系的。 HTTP没有要求,如果Method是POST数据就要放在BODY中。也没有要求,如果Method是GET,数据(参数)就一定要放在URL中而不能放在BODY中。
It's the age-old question: is the POST method better than the GET method for processing HTTP requests? The common response is always use POST. Problem solved. Security breaches in recent years involving mishandled and unsecured information between the browser and the server have helped to und...