method:'POST', headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}] } //NOT WORKING EITHER }); }); INDEX.HTML <!-- start: button-login --> Login 我不断收到诸如“不支持的媒体类型”之类的
$httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = [function(data) { returnangular.isObject(data) && String(data) !=='[object File]'? param(data) : data; }]; }); 1 2 3 4 5 $http({ method:"POST", url:"/api/login.php", data:$scope.Account }); 补: php获取时也可通过$GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW...
method:'post', url:'post.php', data:{name:"aaa",id:1,age:20} }).success(function(req){ console.log(req); }) 解决方案: 1、 var myApp = angular.module('app',[]); myApp.config(function($httpProvider){ $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = function(obj){ var str = [...
angularjs http-post Method not allowed errors often mean that an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE) are not allowed. Is your service set-up to allow POSTS? Could you post your server-side code? Use absolute url to make a call to api,earlier I was using relative url due to whic...
<method> <request-URL> <version> <headers> <entity-body> 1. 2. 3. 4. 协议规定 POST 提交的数据必须放在消息主体(entity-body)中,但协议并没有规定数据必须使用什么编码方式。实际上,开发者完全可以自己决定消息主体的格式,只要最后发送的 HTTP 请求满足上面的格式就可以。
How to send 2 parameters i angularjs to mvc controller? I have a post method in my js file which need to send 2 parameters. } and my api controller (mvc) is like and in factory but when i am invoking the api, it returns a 500 internal server error and I do... ...
How to send 2 parameters i angularjs to mvc controller? I have a post method in my js file which need to send 2 parameters. } and my api controller (mvc) is like and in factory but when i am invoking the api, it returns a 500 internal server error and I do... ...
I know that it's CORS problem. I have enabled cors in web api server side. Get method is working fine but while dealing with post method I am facing problem . Please some one answer me with very simple post example both on web api and client side. With explanation o...
postman: api 调用 post 補足:送信button:报错 无Agent 时、按照画面指示,下载 postman agent 、双击即可 1.6K20 禁止在构造函数里调用虚函数 在构造函数中调用虚函数会导致程序出现莫名其妙的行为,这主要是对象还没有完全构造完成。...这是因为基类的构造函数调用一个定义在本类中的但是为派生类所重写的虚函数,...