2. Postharvest techniques of seed storage 2.1. Drying Physiological maturity attained by the cereal and legumes at moisture content between 35 and 45% is crop dependent. Temperature affects the storage of seeds at moisture content between 10 and 14%. For high-quality yield of crops, timely harve...
“I know it’s a short sample, but I think what he showed is maturity, no stage is too big for him. He’s prepared,” general manager Kevyn Adams said. Among NHL goalies, Boston’s Jeremy Swayman and Florida’s Spencer Knight came closest to making...
Effect of genotype, maturity stage and post-harvest storage on phenolic compounds, carotenoid content and antioxidant capaci- ty, of Andean mashua tubers (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pa- von). J Sci Food and Agri 2007; 87: 437-46.Chirinos, R., Campos, D., Arbizu, C., Rees, J.-F.,...
However, at this stage, the AR technology relied on burning fossil fuels for energy. Górowska's future work on similar applications assumes integration with renewable energy sources to align digital creations with feminist eco-technology practices aimed at responsibly transforming human sys- tems of...
maturity of financial assets Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed Proceeds from disposal of an associated company Repayment of loans by associated companies Net cash used in investing activities Half year ended 30 September...
This study utilized a three-stage approach to assess reliability, validity, and unidimensionality (Hair et al., 2014). To establish reliability, we calculated the average correlation between items on the scale (see Table 2), and all variables had a Cronbach's alpha value above the accepted ...
During one of my recent software engineering methodology seminars, a question was asked about how to initiate continuous process improvement and the development of personalized maturity models. I suggested that a postpartum would be an excellent tool towards getting started. I was stunned by the ...
With ‘the universal maturity©’ of Modernity upheld, people might not discern the different performance requirements of post modernity and White boys may be compelled to emulate non-White patterns of masculinity, which fail to manifest our best, most authentic nature. There’s too ...
Too often, a journal reviewer struggles to work out what is going on in a piece of academic writing. That is certainly not the case with this collective paper: the reviewers have been in at its birth and observed its development towards maturity. Reviewers have seen in real time how ongoing...
Interestingly, just as the initial developmental stage of a child takes place beyond our observation, so did that of the world itself. The event and processes of those days are entirely hidden from us, the Torah supplying only the most inscrutable generalities about what (see Shafran, page NAT...