Day-case patients should be given appropriate instructions if the typical symptoms of PDPH occur at home. View article Headache Hans-Christoph Diener, ... David W. Dodick, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2010 Clinical manifestations Post-dural puncture headache is a postural headache. It ...
CSF was analyzed from either premature infants Ͻ32 wk gestational age with PHHC or neonates who underwent lumbar puncture for septic work-up (Table 1). All infants were treated at one of the three study centers (Department of Neonatology, University of Bonn; Department of Neonatology, CVK, ...
ventriculomegaly lumbar puncture volumetric MRIFootnotes Competing interests: none declared CiteULike Delicious Digg Facebook Google+ Mendeley Reddit Technorati Twitter What's this?This Article Abstract Full text PDF Services Email this link to a friend Alert me when this article is cited Alert me if...
However, molecular levels can be also influenced by physical and chemical changes of CSF, such as hemolysis, which is a common phenomenon during the procedure of lumbar puncture [7]. Therefore, novel biomarkers that can objectively and effectively reflect the infectious status in CSF are urgently ...
The patient was re-admitted to the intensive care unit, and a diagnostic lumbar puncture was performed, documenting a CPKP infection with altered liquor parameter (white blood cells 6002/mm3, glucose < 2 mg/dL, protein > 600 mg/dL and lactate 18.4 mmol/L). CPKP was initially detected ...
SARS-CoV-2 infection causes transient cardiorespiratory and neurological disorders, and severe acute illness is rare among children. Post COVID-19 condition (PCC) may cause profound, persistent phenotypes with increasing prevalence. Its manifestation and
Fifty-five patients who suffered from COVID-19, who were still very ill after several months, with extreme fatigue, effort exhaustion, brain fog, anomia, memory disorder, anosmia, dysgeusia, and other multi-systemic health problems have been followed in