Self-reports is self-reported data on knee injury, given as part of UK Biobank data collection. ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, Tenth revision; OPCS, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys; EHR, electronic healthcare records; SD, standard deviation; IQR, inter-quartile range...
Pritchard, K.T.; Hong, I.; Goodwin, J.S.; Westra, J.R.; Kuo, Y.-F.; Ottenbacher, K.J. Association of Social Behaviors With Community Discharge in Patients with Total Hip and Knee Replacement.J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc.2020,22, 1735–1743.e3. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Comorbidities included hypertension (n = 5), diabetic mellitus (n = 2), heart bypass surgery, kidney and pancreas transplantation, bilateral total knee replacement, and 3.2. AedxhterreemneceobtoesTiatyi C(nh=i S1 eesasciho)n.s and Self-Practice at Home T3h.2e. A11dhperaerntciceitpoaTnat...