A new topical treat- ment for acute herpetic neuralgia and postherpetic neuralgia: the aspirin/diethyl ether mixture. An open-label study plus a double-blind, controlled clinical trial. Pain 1992; 48: 383-90De Benedittis, G., Besana, F., Lorenzetti, A., A new topical treat-...
Evaluation of brain atrophy, whose extent is predominantly determined by brain tissue damage occurring in the acute phase, four weeks upon onset of stroke revealed significantly reduced loss of brain tis- sue in Nfat5(EC)−/− mice as compared to Nfat5fl/fl animals (Fig. 3A). ...
Received: 2019.07.07Accepted: 2019.10.28Published: 2020.01.06 1304 — 2 14Post-Epstein-Barr Virus Acute Cerebellitis in an Adult ABDEF 1 Shaikha Daoud Al-Shokri BDE 2 Sameer Ahammed Karumannil CD 3 Saeed Saleh Mohammed ADEF 2 Mohamed Sulaiman Sadek Corresponding Author: Shaikha Daoud Al-Shok...
There is a wide spectrum of infectious agents which may produce acute glomerular injury. Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is still the most common cause of post-infectious glomerulonephritis in undeveloped countries. The disease is a consequence of previous throat or skin infection with nephritogenic...
Moreover, attaining nutritional security has always been critical to the country's progress as it grapples with a 14.5% PoU (Prevalence of Undernourishment) and 37.5% stunting in children under five (FAO 2019a). The first lockdown period in India coincided with the peak harvest season of ...
The diagnosis of acute cerebellitis rather than acute postinfectious cerebellar ataxia should be considered when headache and vomiting accompany ataxia in a child. Acute cerebellitis heals with sequelae in about one-third of cases. The absence of fatalities in our series suggests early...
cerebellitiscerebellumchildhoodmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)postinfectiousAcute cerebellitis is a rare condition often considered within the group of acute postinfectious cerebellar ataxia despite its distinctive clinical and imaging features. We retrieved clinical, laboratory, and follow-up data of 15 ...
Objective: Unusual clinical courseBackground: Acute cerebellitis in adults is a rare disease. The etiology is unknown but postulated to be due to primary in-fection or para-infection. Different presentations have been reported, which complicates the diagnosis process.Case Report: We report the ...
It further correlates with the increase in postmortem brain donations to the VA-BU- CLF brain bank due to increased efforts to promote brain donation by the CLF, including the relaunch of the brain donation campaign and a transition to an online signup system [86]. Assessment of the 42 ...
Objective: To characterize the utilization and short-outcomes of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) for treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) during pregnancy and the early postpartum period.Background: AIS is a rare occurrence during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Existing literature evaluating ...