Don't spend hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the free Post-it® App. Share notes with your team without delays & keep the momentum going.
Experience smart customization with our macOS Note App. It automatically adjusts the size of the note based on the number of lines you input, making note-taking more convenient. Clear UI: Pro features a clean and straightforward interface for easy operation. No complicated steps, just clear visu...
Blogs of Note I recently worked on a project that involved adding new functionality to an existing line-of-business Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. During my time on that project I found Beth Massi’s blog to be an indispensible resource. Beth is a...
把每一个能想到的屏幕、页面或者活动的名字与在一张便条(post-it-note)上。 把所有的便条贴在墙上,并且把相关的便条|基于5个网页 2. 报事贴 3M公司通过创新产品思高洁防污保护剂(Scotchgard)和报事贴(Post-It-Note)赚取了数百万美元,节奏是它获得成功的重要 …|基于3个...
最早叫做报事贴(Post-it note),发明自3M公司,发明者Arthur Fry。早期是黄色方形,现在颜值已经一日千里,各种色彩图案、形状甚至材质,只有想不到没有做不到。 我们日常的工作和生活中经常会用到便利贴,比如:备忘,标记,书签,时间管理,个人体会,碎片管理,速记,读书笔记,手账装饰等。
Note:A tag must consist of a single word. If you want to use a tag that uses several words, you can run the words together using capital letters to distinguish the words. You can quickly see all the posts associated with a particular tag by clicking it. Additionally, when you ...
appName=NoteEase ● Acordo de pagamento: mais Novidades Histórico de versões Versão 2.2.3 Versão atualizada, processo otimizado!Classificações e críticas 5,0 de 5 2 classificações...
Ako koristite OneNote, dodirnite Postavke > Računi. Odaberite servis u oblaku koji želite dodati, npr. OneDrive za tvrtke ili Dropbox. Unesite adresu e-pošte i lozinku koje koristite za prijavu na taj servis. I to je sve! Potrebna vam je pomo...
Drucker: "I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now." Frictionless note-taking produces notes, but it doesn't produce memory. Diversity & inclusion Check out my list of management resources. Docker See also the Python-specific section in charla...
Again, this might be a winner for some, but for others, it's a dealbreaker. Download: Stickies (Free) 2. Windows Sticky Notes No list of note-taking apps will be complete without the original Sticky Notes. The app has been going strong since its release back in 2002, with its last...