Don't spend hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the free Post-it® App. Share notes with your team without delays & keep the momentum going.
图片由 Post-it提供。 透过干净现代的单纯静谧系列,为提醒事项便利贴注入一丝禅意。 和谐混搭干净俐落的经典颜色,呈现简洁外观和平静状态,突显人们对简化、清理和整理的渴望。这几种独特色调稳定可靠且历久不衰,使用温柔且老少咸宜的粉红色来达到强调的目的,传递直接而单纯的讯息,让...
Aide-mémoire Pro: Post-it NoteVous aimerez peut-être aussi 便签小组件-备忘录笔记本手机widget Stickies - Sticky Notes Widget 简签- 便利的备忘录,记事本,便签 指尖笔记-笔记本便签备忘录 好用便签 Utilitaires Paper - Live Wallpapers Utilitaires ...
Pro Note is simple yet powerful to help you focus and remember things. It offers an endless window to write and organize your notes. You can add images, drag yo…
介绍 将您的 Chrome 浏览器转变为用于处理日常任务和备忘录的交互式板。 使用待办事项列表备忘录便签,永远不会错过重要的任务或提醒。它在 Chrome 中充当您的个人便签板。特征: • 只需单击即可创建新笔记。 • 轻松编辑或删除笔记。 • 注释会自动保存并可在浏览器会话中使用。
Custom Post-it® Note Printing Options Printing for Less’s Post-it® Notes are superior quality and exceptionally useful. Create as few or as many as you want. The more unique you are, the more memorable the note will be. You can also get variable data printing, pantone inks, a ...
书面表达读后续写post-it note 说课课件 -高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.pptx,Continuation Writing;I Lead in ;II Read to set the tone;Tips for writing: #1 Bear the main idea and the writing purpose in mind when setting the tone of your writing.;III Read to plan
Post-it NotePost-it noteinnovationcolour trade markThis chapter, written for the forthcoming book A History of Intellectual Property in 50 Objects, discusses the intellectual property law history of a popular anSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
We're excited to see so many people creating wall art with Post-it® Super Sticky Notes. It's a fun way to transform an office space or to bring life to a plainly decorated space at home. It's also a great project for students, families or co-workers to do together....
This is probably the best all-around sticky note app for the desktop. It's simpler to set up than 7 Sticky Notes, while offering humorous commentary as you install it. It also has global hotkeys that allow you to start a note from anywhere, and it allows you to customize what double...