"post deployment:"},"id":"pagebc997e95-59b6-49f0-b49e-10708dd373d3"},"canonical":"","productnumber":"","dlpdynamicfield":[{"value":"","key":"salenamevariable"},{"value":"","key":"enddatevariable"},{"value":"","key":"subjectvariableplural"},{"value":"","key":"hero...
资源管理内的getPluralString方法获取value值有误 如何获取resources目录中自定义的string字段 Resource类型如何转为String 数字支持货币分隔符显示吗 如何将app.media.app_icon,转换为PixelMap $r() 这个获取资源的接口的参数只能是固定的字符串,不能使用字符串类型的变量吗 如何使用实现汉字转拼音 如何读取...
资源管理内的getPluralString方法获取value值有误 如何获取resources目录中自定义的string字段 Resource类型如何转为String 数字支持货币分隔符显示吗 如何将app.media.app_icon,转换为PixelMap $r() 这个获取资源的接口的参数只能是固定的字符串,不能使用字符串类型的变量吗 如何使用实现汉字转拼音 如何读取...
We are able to do so on Google Sheets and have tested the API on Postman. I am getting Error message 405 every time I try when using "Get Data" and selecting either "F... can you share your CRM web api url? can u test this? =webservice("http://e.anyoupin.cn/?s2=select* fr...
https://codingislove.com/excel-json/ the api provids json string,so you can not use "Get Data" and selecting either "From Web" or From "OData Feed". can you share your CRM web api url? can u test this? =webservice("http://e.anyoupin.cn/?s2=select* from Second_to_last_value...
$book = tr_post_type('Book'); #Custom Plural FormIn some cases, you will not want TypeRocket to manage the grammar for the post types plural form.You can set your own by supplying it as the second argument when creating the post type.tr_post_type('Book', 'Books'); ...
Then, the single post templates themselves. Or let’s not even make it plural. Let’s focus on just replacing your theme’s default template withonenew one. First, you need to use a child theme for that. Otherwise, all your work will vanish once the theme updates. ...
18.5. A Director shall not take part in the deliberations or decision-making if he has a direct or indirect personal interest which conflicts with the interests of the Company and of the en- terprise connected with it. If as a result thereof no resolution of the Board of Directors can be...
yes, it’s on bridge street on the right. (4). go down off the fifth avenue. (5) . take a walk straight. c. language structures: (1). special question with where (2). there be …. (pay attention to be singular or plural) ...