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Eleff SM, Schleien CL, Koehler RC, et al. Brain bioenergetics during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs. Anesthesiology 1992; 76:77–84. PubMed Kompala SD, Babbs CF, Blaho KE. Effect of deferoxamine on late deaths following CPR in rats. Ann Emerg Med 1986; 15:405–407. ...
As the effective population size of females increases earlier than in the previous scenarios, it is higher when the bottleneck in male effective population size occurs. This results in higher peaks in the female-to-male effective population size ratio, which reached values around 19 in all three...
Two features of patrilineal systems may be particularly relevant for the evolution of uniparental genetic diversity. First, it was observed that in contemporary patrilineal populations not necessarily involved in violent conflict, demographic stochasticity cause some groups to grow over time as the number...
Wget does not currently support multipart/form-data for transmitting POST data; only application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Only one of --post-data and --post-file should be specified. Regarding your authentication token, it should either be provided in the header, in the path of the URL, or...
It will be in the merit of the righteous Jewish women that we will bring redemption to this world. Here’s to living in reality. It starts with women. Italian museum debuts exhibit on Queen Esther ahead of Purim festivities Visitors of the exhibit will be treated to the sight of an extre...