In this Data Analysis and Application (DAA) paper there will be the utilization of IBM SPSS and G* Power through using the data file bpstudy.sav. That is specifically to conduct a post-hoc power analysis and an a priori power analysis on an independent samples t test, that is, regarding...
For IHP, repeated measures ANOVA and post-hoc tests (Table 4) revealed that there were consistent significant score increases between the first and third trial of the BBT (t = 6.3; p < 0.001), BBT-VR-C (t = 3.4; p = 0.004), BBT-VR-HT (t = 4.0; p <...
We used post-hoc sampling from the G*Power family of F tests (version for one-way ANOVA14. The total sample should vary between 128 and 132 individuals divided into four independent groups with similar average ages (p > 0.05) and standard deviation between 10 and 13 points...
For example, the data file “posthoc.por” (available on the web site), contains two factors, gender and experience and one dependent measure, spatial ability score errors. Applying the GLM-Unianova procedure in SPSS produces the following ANOVA source table:Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Ins...
Prehoc power analysis using a power of 80% (尾 level =.20, 伪 level =.05) revealed a minimum of 70 per group (n = 140) would be necessary to properly evaluate the primary hypothesis. A sample size of 200 (100 per group) was selected to generate greater study power for the primary...
A post hoc test showed significant difference between pre-test, the end of program, and the two-month follow-up (Table 3 and Figure 3). Table 3. Effects of Post-stroke Care Intervention (N = 62). OutcomesBefore (1)The end of program (2)Two-month follow up (3)GroupTimeGroup × ...
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Hypertension Research (2014) 37, 533–537 & 2014 The Japanese Society of Hypertension All rights reserved 0916-9636/14 Home-measured heart rate is associated with albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc analysis of a cross-sectional ...
To assess if the association between 90-day mortality and cystatin C, eGFRcys and SPS was coupled to the development of AKI, we performed a post hoc analysis in which we adjusted also for AKI within 5 days of admission. Cystatin C, eGFRcys and SPS were associated with 90-day mortality ...
BMC Pulmonary Medicine (2023) 23:150 BMC Pulmonary Medicine RESEARCH Open Access COPD exacerbations and patient-reported outcomes according to post-bronchodilator FEV1 – a post-hoc analysis of pooled data Chee-Shee Chai1*, Diana-Leh-Ching Ng1,...
Post-hoc analysis on separate CAPS subscales (re-experiencing, avoidance, numbing, and arousal sub- scales) indicated that the findings were primarily related to increased CRP and numbing symptoms associated with increased dependence symptoms. Conclusions: These data support the hypothesis that there ...