在进行post hoc power analysis时,研究人员需要提供他们使用的样本大小、效应大小以及他们的误差率。然后,他们会使用这些信息来计算他们的power值,这个值可以帮助他们了解他们的研究结果有多大的可能性是正确的。 以上内容仅供参考,建议查阅统计学相关书籍或咨询统计学专业人士,以获取更准确的信息。
post hoc:事后 power analysis:(统计术语)功效分析 post hoc power analysis 在数据分析领域里意思是“试验后的功效分析”。
事后检定力分析;后计算检力 post hoc power analysis 事后检定力分析;后计算检力
Post-hoc power analysis, using GPower version 3.1.7, showed that a sample size of 212 ...
The objective of a post hoc review of statistical power is to determine the average power of tests used in a particular field. Because most theories in psychology are not sufficiently advanced to provide an exact prediction of effect size, post hoc reviews invariably calculate the power of a te...
Post hoc power is the retrospective power of an observed effect based on the sample size and parameter estimates derived from a given data set. Many scientists recommend using post hoc power as a follow-up analysis, especially if a finding is nonsignificant. This article presents tables of post...
Post-hoc power analysis for Cox regression Posted 01-30-2024 05:14 PM (517 views) Hi, I want to do post hoc power analysis for Co regression. I want to calculate power in SAS for cox regression. I can find the hazard ratio and confidence interval from other studies. How can f...
Or how would the results of this simulation be translated into "conventional post-hoc power analysis language"? Bengt O. Muthen posted on Monday, February 10, 2020 - 5:02 pm I don't know what "d" is but in general, it is better to express in Model Constrain the quantity you are ...
slopes. Now I would like to carry out a posthoc power analysis to see how much power the study has. Is there any light in Stata in relation to this? I have seen Stata's ''power repeated'' command which does not suit here as they are suitable for one/two way repeated ANOVA designs...
varying co-variates. The analysis I have carried out is linear mixed effect model using Stata's 'xtmixed' command with random intercepts and slopes. Now I would like to carry out a posthoc power analysis to see how much power the study has. Is there any light in Stata in relation to ...