Post Hoc是拉丁语,是“错误因果”的逻辑谬误。 前面也举过一个例子: 这个逻辑谬误的全称是Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc。 post = after hoc = this ergo = therefore propter = because of/on account of/through。 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc的意思就是:after this, therfore because of this(在它之后,因此...
logical fallacyphr. 逻辑谬论 HOC process均质铸锭法,均质铸锭法 psychical fallacy【医】 精神虚妄 golden rule fallacy谬误之推理 ad hocadj. 1. 临时安排的;特别的;专门的 adv. 1. 临时安排地;特别地;专门地 相似单词 post hoca. 因果关系的,前后必然的 ...
logical fallacy Logical fallacy/Post hoc logical form logical implication Logical impossibility Logical induction logical operation logical operator logical positivism logical positivist logical proof logical quantifier logical relation logical sum logical system ...
2.Like post hoc, slippery slope can be a tricky fallacy to identify, since sometimes a chainof events really can be predicted to follow from a certain action.与“事后归因”类似,“滑坡”谬论迷惑性也很强,难以识别,因为有时的确可以预知某事之后的一系列连锁反应。
Post hoc is a fallacy in which one event is said to be the cause of a later event simply because it occurred earlier.
* POST-HOC FALLACY, formally called post hoc, ergo propter hoc, translates to "after this, therefore because of this." This common logical fallacy is the cause of many superstitions and false beliefs. Dog Food Logic: the following is an excerpt adapted from a new book that can help you ...
post hoc谬误例子 The post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy can also be seen in the belief that a person's behavior must be due to their upbringing, since they started acting differently after their parents divorced. In this example, a person might believe that the divorce caused the ...
The post hoc fallacy is a form oflogical fallacybecause it is based on a false premise: the idea that if one event happens before another, then the first event must be the cause of the second. More specifically, it belongs to the category ofcausal fallacies, where a causal connection is...
【Logical Fallacy】 Post Hoc Fallacy Hasty Generalization Loose Generalization False Analogy Attacking the person rather than the issue False Authority Bandwagon Effect Circular Reasoning Black and...
Learn what post hoc is in logical reasoning. Study why post hoc or false cause arguments are fallacious, and discover real-life post hoc fallacy...