Then he confirmed with me; I was a heart patient, having had open-heart surgery, followed by four stents implanted. Also, I was suffering from hypothyroidism, prostate issue, and had cataract surgery done on both eyes. Then he confirmed all the medicines and supplements I was taking. Finally...
Based on the VO2 max information, risks may be predicted including adverse cardiovascular events in surgery and/or increased risk of in-hospital morbidity. For example, increased risk of in-hospital morbidity may be detected when the calculated VO2 max quantifier falls below a specific threshold,...
the blood vessel brings blood and oxygen to the heart muscle, with balloons and stents to restore blood flow. Research shows it is generally safe to discharge patients to their homes the same day after a PCI, but they face numerous risks post-procedure. ...
Careful attention to choice of antithrombotic therapies is needed to balance ischemic and bleeding risks in this elderly postoperative population.21 Postoperative atrial fibrillation is associated with postprocedural stroke after open cardiac surgery,22,23 and a recent analysis from the TVT Registry has ...
Femia et al. [21] also follows a similar line, suggesting, when it is not possible to perform a conventional autopsy, that a high intensity of the T2 signal and an RV/LV ratio can be useful indicators for the diagnosis of both heart attack acute/subacute myocardial and pulmonary embolism....
History of CVD: A history of heart disease was defined as any self-reported occurrence of MI, stenting, angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass graft surgery. A family history of early-onset CVD was considered if a first-degree relative had experienced any cardiovascular event before the age of...
The problem of assessing the risks of developing post-traumatic epilepsy after traumatic brain injury and stroke in the early stages and during the progression of the disease is one of the most urgent topics in the study of epilepsy. Currently, it is impossible to predict the development of the...
Benzodiazepineshave unfortunately been associated with a number of problems, including withdrawal symptoms, and risks of overdose andaddiction, and have not been found to be significantly effective for helping individuals with PTSD. Some suggested ways for PTSD patients to cope with this illness include...
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) was excluded. Primary hemorrhagic stroke and patients who were previously diagnosed with epilepsy or had probable epileptogenic lesions such as cerebral hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, brain surgery, cortical dysplasia, brain tumor, and cerebral vascular malformation were...
Jack, just back from Africa where he digs wells for villagers on his mission with the Methodist church, leans over to refill the cats’ water bowl and collapses with a heart attack. He makes it to the hospital. A stint is installed. He writes to us all on Facebook: I’m still here...