什么是PGCE? PGCE,即Postgraduate Certificate in Education,是教育学研究生证书课程的简称。PGCE课程在学位证书等级中属于第七级(Level 7),相当于硕士学位水平,但并非传统意义上的硕士学位。巴斯斯巴教育...
postgraduate certificate大多是因为挂科太多,学校以最低等级给的一个结业证,相当于国内的肄业证,简单的说就只是承认在某校读过书而已,在国内是不被认可的,回国后不能办理认证。
LevelPostgraduate Certificate Duration1 year FormatFully Online LanguageEnglish Explore innovative higher education teaching, learning and assessment methods embed This course aims to develop the professional academic skills of Higher Education (HE) academic staff involved in teaching, learning, and assessment...
以澳洲为例,根据澳洲AQF Level(学历等级)来讲,Bachelor Honours Degree,Graduate Certificate Degree,...
Postgraduate Diploma,简称PgD:其实和GD差不多,都是为了接Master Degree。以新西兰为例,新西兰PgD和GD...
一、Postgraduate diploma:postgraduate diploma,即研究生文凭,简称PgD或PgDip,即为原英联邦国家或地区(如英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、中国香港等)的高等教育机构所颁发的应用型研究生文凭。postgraduate diploma一般学习时间为1年,要求有本科学历,postgraduate diploma课程可以看成是两年的...
A Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) or Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) could be perfect for you. These programmes include Masters-level content and are available in a wide range of subjects. However, they are much more flexible and can usually be completed in only one or two terms of study. ...
aThis stage provides a common platform of underpinning skills and knowledge at Postgraduate Certificate level in the basics of water and environmental management. The units aim to provide you with research, mathematics and computing skills, together with a firm understanding of fundamental processes tha...
LevelPostgraduate Certificate DurationLearners have up to eight years to complete the PG Cert in Leadership and Management Practice via stackable microcredentials. LanguageEnglish Study at your own pace with this stackable qualification Are you a current, future, or aspiring leader...