Discrepant post filter ionized calcium concentrations by common blood gas analyzers in CRRT using citrate anticoagulation. Crit Care. 2015;19:321. CentralSCHWARZER P,KUHN S O,STRACKE S,et a1.Discrepant post filter ionized calcium concentrations by common blood gas analyzers in CRRT using regional ...
Discrepant post filter ionized calcium concentrations by common blood gas analyzers in CRRT using regional citrate anticoagulation. Crit Care. 2015;19:321.Schwarzer P, Kuhn S-O, Stracke S, Grundling M, Knigge S, Selleng S, et al. Discrepant post filter ionized calcium concentrations by common ...
Citrate inhibits the coagulation cascade by lowering the ionized calcium (iCa) concentration in the filter. Monitoring of systemic iCa concentrations is inherent to the protocol, and monitoring of postfilter iCa is recommended to adjust citrate flow and optimize anticoagulation. While systemic iCa ...