“后悔药” 艾滋病暴露后预防(Post-exposure Prophylaxis,简PEP) 艾滋病作为全社会广泛关注并且积极应对的重大传染病之一,当前仍缺乏有效的治疗方案,但是,艾滋病可以有效预防,除了大家熟知的避孕套等预防措施外,还有一种“后悔药”——艾滋...
PEP 是英文“Post-exposure Prophylaxis”的缩写,中文翻译是“暴露后预防”,也是我们俗称的“艾滋病阻断药物”,是使用HIV治疗药物(也称抗病毒治疗药物)对已经发生了HIV高危行为的HIV阴性人员进行短期治疗以降低HIV感染风险的治疗方法。如果您发生高危行为,可以前往@青艾诊所 寻求阻断服务!咨询☎️:4006910694转0地址...
Iwarson S. Post-exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis B: active or passive? Lancet . 1989; 2 ( 8655 ):146–8.Iwarson S. Post-exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis B: active or passive? Lancet 1989; (ii):146-147.Iwarson,S.Post-exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis B: active or passive. The ...
Define Postexposure prophylaxis. Postexposure prophylaxis synonyms, Postexposure prophylaxis pronunciation, Postexposure prophylaxis translation, English dictionary definition of Postexposure prophylaxis. Informal n. Energy and high spirits; vim: "The du
fluoroquinolones 在后期暴露预防治疗(postexposure prophylaxis)和化学治疗上,对特殊而能被用来做微生物战的病原菌,扮演 … www.pdfio.com|基于 1 个网页 3. 疾病预防 暴露后的疾病预防(Postexposure Prophylaxis)当已确认严重怀疑暴露於雾化炭疽孢子环境中或吸入粉末状炭疽孢子,在未出现 … ...
HIV暴露后预防(post-exposure prophylaxis PEP)应该在暴露后多长时间内进行? A. 4天内 B. 3天内 C. 2天内 D. 1天内 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 > 下载刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑 > 手机使用 参考答案: B 复制 纠错 参考解析: 3天内 AI解析
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a medicine you take after you’ve come into contact with HIV, the virus that causesAIDS, to lower your chance of infection. You must start PEP within 72 hours (3 days) after you were exposed toHIV. The sooner you start it, the better. If you start...
6) post-exposure prophylaxis 暴露后处理补充资料:不合格品预防措施(见预防措施) 不合格品预防措施(见预防措施) preventive actions for nonconforming product: see preventive actions buh6g6Pi阅YUfong cuoshi不合格品预防措施Co刊rorrni鳍p耐uet)(preventive actions fornon-见预防措施。 说明:补充资料仅用于...
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Post-exposure prophylaxisshould be considered only in persons with distinct high-risk exposure, defined as follows: (1) penetration of skin by a contaminated sharp instrument (e.g., needlestick injury); (2) exposure ofmucous membranesor broken skin to blood or body secr...
To the Editor: Sexual assault nurse examiners working for the San Francisco Department of Public Health at San Francisco General Hospital have offered human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) to survivors of sexual assault since April 1998. Survivors who choose to initiate ...