In high-risk cases, Hep B immunoglobulin will be necessary otherwise passive immunisation with HBV vaccine will suffice. The use of anti-viral treatment for exposure to Hepatitis C remains controversial. New and potent drugs have been introduced but are quite expensive, and the cost-effectiveness ...
Hep A vaccine vs immune globulin for postexposure prophylaxisJohn VictorNews
(1989), Combined hepatitis B immune globulin and vaccine for postexposure prophylaxis of hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology, 10: 398. doi: 10.1002/hep.1840100332 Author Information 1 Yamanashi Medical College Yamanashi-Ken 409–38, Japan 2 Kitasato Institute, Tokyo 108, Japan 3 Jichi Medical...
The mice treated with either M318 or M518 before exposure to the pseudovirus had significantly less bioluminescence and infection levels that were 10-fold lower (p < 0.01) than untreated mice. However, hardly any protection was afforded by M001 or M401 (Fig. 4A upper, B). Next, to ...
Au NPs have been extensively applied as drug carrier in many medical applications for cancer therapy, vaccine therapy, antimicrobial treatment, etc. owning to their non-toxic and non-immunogenic properties in vivo and making the drug easily permeant the biological barriers to the infection sites [[...
Post-licensure Safety Evaluation of a DTaP-HepB-IPV Combination Vaccine in a Large Managed Care OrganizationKenneth M. Zangwill
hepatitis,BPeople vaccinated against hepatitis B triple their risk of developing multiple sclerosis over the following three years, a study in the current issue of the journal Neurology says ( Neurology 2004;63:838-42).Researchers led by Dr Miguel Hern谩n of Harvard School of Public Health ...
We evaluated the prevalence and epidemiological significance of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody to HAV (anti-HAV) in a nonvaccinated population before OLT (immunity from previous exposure) and determined the persistence of IgG anti-HAV at 1 and 2 years after OLT. One hundred consecutive patients ...
However, based on the implication of infections as a risk–factor for autoimmune diseases [86], it could not be excluded that COVID-19 infection or vaccine can disturb self-tolerance and trigger an autoimmune response. This is reported with both ITP (immune-thrombocytopenic purpura) and MIS-C...
A large majority (93.8%) of the HCWs surveyed had taken one dose of HepB vaccine. However, the proportion who had completed the primary series of three doses (57.1%) was less and only 26.4% had taken one or more booster doses. Approximately one quarter (24.8%) of HCWs had experienced...