While his work is little read today, Leonard was among the most widely known American writers of his day, renowned both for his translations of Greek, Roman and Anglo-Saxon poetry and for his own poetry and his two memoirs, Two Lives and The Locomotive-God. The latter focuses entirely on...
On the contrary, Ioannis Zografos’ manual contains significantly more varnish-related recipes. Besides, the latter amount to thirty-six, most of which pertain to paintings; a few recipes deal with wood coatings and varnishes to be used on metallic objects, yet these will not be considered herei...
Dental cement (Stoelting, Wooddale, IL, USA) was applied to secure the electrode. Animals were excluded from the experiment if they had profuse hemorrhage during EEG implementation or if they had lost more than 20% of their body weight throughout the study. Sham animals were subjected to ...