The position is 100%, for two years, placed at a department suitable to the project and academic background of the postdoc researcher, from 1st of September 2025, or as agreed upon. The positions normally combine 80% research with 20% teaching, but the 20% could include tasks other than ...
Find research and postdoc jobs in biology and life science in Europe: Animal Health and Veterinary, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology and Genetics, Biomedical and Physiology, Microbiology and Nutrition. Biology jobs in Austria (4), Belgium (8), Croatia (3), Denmark (3), ...
Postdoc jobs Catalysis in Europe. 4 Jobs jobs to view and apply for now with New Scientist Jobs
Optimapharm is a leading, mid-sized, full-service CRO working across Europe and North America to deliver new therap View details Senior Clinical Research Associate (m/f/d) - United Kingdom 5 days ago Save Senior Clinical Research Associate (m/f/d) - United Kingdom Post Doctoral Research ... - find postdoctoral positions, research associates, post-doctoral fellowships and Ph.D. jobs for candidates with doctoral degrees.
Basel is a medium-size city with a very international spirit bringing together people from 150 nations. It is located at the tri-national border of Switzerland, Germany and France and it commonly seen as one of Europe's most important hub in life sciences. These positions offer an exciting ...
Germany 薪金:2000 Euro/month 学历和研究方向:物理化学/材料 招聘岗位:博士/博士后 公司名称:Bielefeld ...
University of GothenburgSweden22 open positions Örebro UniversitySweden18 open positions Karlstad UniversitySweden8 open positions More employers Career advice Accelerate your academic career
PhD and postdoc training outcomes at EMBL: changing career paths for life scientists in Europe The life sciences are training growing numbers of PhDs and postdocs, who increasingly engage in collaborative research. The impact of these changes on the ... J Lu,B Velten,B Klaus,... - 《Bior...
interest in scientific fields and intent to make extended,temporary trips to the US raise the guard of American officials.Additionally,many postdocs come from India,China and countries in Eastern Europe — places where application volumes are high and security checks frequent.And not all the delays...