Furthermore, high-dose corticosteroids used in COVID-19 management can trigger or accelerate fungal infections. This case series presents the clinicomicrobiological profile of a few such admitted cases, as it is very important for all clinicians and clinical microbiologists to keep the new yet ...
接种疫苗的剂量取决于年龄、免疫状态和先前COVID-19疫苗接种史。那些COVID-19严重后果风险最高的个人,特别是65岁以上的个人,免疫受损的个人和有多种医学共病的个人最有可能从接种中受益,我们特别鼓励这些个人接种疫苗。 SARS-CoV变种和疫苗对长期COVID的影响(2024年7月) 有限的流行病学数据表明,在COVID-19大流行...
Fabrication of orbital prosthesis by two different methods in patients with post-COVID-19 rhino-orbital maxillary mucormycosis: A case series MUCORMYCOSISNeoplasms, congenital disorders, fungal infections, and traumatic injuries are the predominant causes of orbital defects. Various retentive mechanisms ....
For a COVID-19-associated ROCM patient, developing a life-threatening fungal infection within the face, followed by its resection that results in a disfigured face, inflicts additional, different, and extreme mental distress that needs to be diagnosed and treated during or after the course of po...
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) posed an unprecedented challenge on public health systems. Despite the measures put in place to contain it, COVID-19 is likely to continue experiencing sporadic outbreaks for some time, and individuals
High rate of bacterial respiratory tract co-infections upon admission amongst moderate to severe COVID-19 patients. Infect Dis (London England). 2022;54:134–44. CAS Google Scholar Hughes S, Troise O, Donaldson H, Mughal N, Moore LSP. Bacterial and fungal coinfection among hospitalized ...
Prospective Role of Postbiotics in the Management of Secondary Invasive Fungal Infections COVID-19 has been sweeping around the world and accentu- ated exhaustive research on finding various treatment modali- ties to overcome the high mortality rate has been visualized in the second wave....
Overuse of antibiotics during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in an attempt to reduce COVID-19 mortality in the short term may have contributed to long-term mortality from antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The aim of this study was to evaluat
13. Altered mitochondrial function in individuals with post-COVID complications The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged most of the world, with Asian countries, including India, being most affected. Earlier studies have shown that viral infections are linked with impaired mitochondrial function causing long...
COVID-19 in solid organ transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of current literature Severe acute respiratory virus syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to a worldwide pandemic. Early studies in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients suggested ... Raja, Mohammed A.Mendoza, ...