CHRONIC coughCOUGHTUBERCULOSISMYCOBACTERIUM tuberculosisCOVID-19ASTHMAChronic cough is a common symptom with a diversity of underlying respiratory causes. The COVID-19 pandemic has added complexity to the identification of the etiology of chronic cough, as persistent cough has been fre...
New Delhi, Sep 11 (IANS) People suffering from common laryngopharyngeal dysfunction like chronic cough, hoarseness, recurrent throat clearing, especially after Covid, may be at significant risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, warns a study on Wednesday. Res...
Since the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic began, the number of individuals recovering from COVID-19 infection have increased. Post-COVID Syndrome, or PCS, which is defined as signs and symptoms that develop during or after infection in
By 2022, the long-term clinical sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults were recognized [6]. Also, children with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 developed long-term symptoms, including fever, fatigue, and cough [7]. The pattern of the incidence and severity of some common childhood respira...
overestimates: although we also included asymptomatic infected children who were admitted for reasons other than COVID-19 (i.e. traumatic injuries), our cohort might not be fully representative of the general pediatric population due the high number of chronic patients, potentially more prone to ...
Whereas the nature of the post-COVID condition following mild acute COVID-19 is increasingly well described in the literature, knowledge of its risk factors, and whether it can be predicted, remains limited. This study, conducted in Norway, uses individual-level register data from 214,667 SARS...
Long COVID or Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 is an emerging syndrome, recognized in COVID-19 patients who suffer from mild to severe illness and do not recover completely. Most studies define Long COVID, through symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, joint p
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), the pathogen responsible for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has caused morbidity and mortality at an unprecedented scale globally. As of […]
之流的人,一再使用 Long-Covid (新冠治愈后的长期症状),作为渲染奥密克戎病毒恐怖的一个立论根据,为了避免这些人利用国人普遍不懂英文的弱点,制造这种具有误导性和很强迷惑性的言论,我自己去翻译一些 Long-Covid 相关的文章。 原文链接: Post-COVID
Long COVID is an emerging problem in the current health care scenario. It is a syndrome with common symptoms of shortness of breath, fatigue, cognitive dys