SCI医学论文 非水刊 小众期刊,几乎不退稿,性价比高,收综述。【期刊名称】:《POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL》#临床医学 #SCI #论文发表 #医学期刊 #sci论文 医学生论文发表 医学专业 科普文章 普刊 核心期刊 医护晋升 评职称 均可厚台咨询, 视频播放量 125、弹幕量 0、
又水又香!几乎不退稿的医学SCI!有稿就收…期刊推荐,今天是医学SCI~ 1.《Postgraduate Medical Journal》该刊审稿快!录用率近80%!冷门小众超级好投! . 2.《Journal of Translati - 柠檬小编于20240507发布在抖音,已经收获了1359个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL的发文量相对比较少,一般每年稳定在100篇左右,2022全年发文量最多,有274篇。不过之后大概率也会稳定在100篇左右,属于比较小众的期刊。 近期想要快速发表文章的同学可以添加佩普科研助理咨询,佩普学术是专门为科研工作者投稿SCI快速发表服务的科研服务品牌,根据文章质量和需求内部预审,预审通过匹...
Sci—An Open Access Journal with Post-Publication Peer ReviewNote: In lieu of an , this is an excerpt from the first page.MDPISciRittmanMDPIMartynMDPIVazquezMDPIFranckMDPI
Therapy mainly depends on the histologic subtype; however, the heterogeneity of the disease and lack of clinical trials create gaps in evidence-based management of these patients. In this review, we discuss the pathogenesis, classification, and risk factors of PTLD. We further analyze common ...
影响指数:4.724 期刊ISSN:0032-5473年文章数:91国人占比:0.12 自引率:3.80%版面费:审稿周期:Monthly是否OA:否 JCR分区:Q2中科院分区:Q2出版国家/地区:ENGLAND是否预警:不在预警名单内 相关指数 影响因子 影响因子 年发文量 自引率 Cite Score Created with Highcharts 11.0.0Values2015-20162016-20172017-20182018...
美食 展开 POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL,虽贵为中科院4区期刊,但审稿速度较快,综述可投,临床医学领域可以一试#SCI#论文发表#医学生#评职称#研究生 16 1 6 1 举报 发布时间:2023-08-15 11:55 期刊课代表 粉丝6405获赞6.7万 热榜推荐 据日媒,中山美穗事务所8日公布中山美穗死因,验尸报告显示这是一起发生在...
Application to Waste Collection System)" which you submitted to the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, has been reviewed. On the basis of the reviews and my own reading of the paper, we are pleased to accept the paper for publication in Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers...
万维提示: 1、投稿方式:在线投稿。 2、期刊网址: 3、投稿网址: 4、官网邮箱 5、期刊刊期:月刊,一年出版12期。 2022年12月1日星期四...
The language of publication is not English. 2. The age of population studied is under 21 years old. Stroke in pediatric population may differ in aetiology, presentation and response to intervention and including this age range could introduce several confounding variables in this study. ...