Sri LankaThe article discusses the health care structure in Jaffna province in Sri Lanka, with specific reference to the practice of nurology in the province. It is reported that the Teaching Hospital Jaffna is the main tertiary/secondary health care centre in the province. The authors informs ...
Postcard: Jaffna The Civil War In Sri Lanka May Be over, but you can buy a land mine on the side of the road in Jaffna-though not the sort that can blow you up. In the main city on Sri Lanka's northernmost peninsula, besieged by two and a half decades of... A Perera - 《Tim...
Postcard: Jaffna The Civil War In Sri Lanka May Be over, but you can buy a land mine on the side of the road in Jaffna-though not the sort that can blow you up. In the main city on Sri Lanka's northernmost peninsula, besieged by two and a half decades of... A Perera - 《Tim...
Move your Card Reisen ohne Jetlag New York, Rio oder Tokio? Alle denken, Du warst wirklich dort. Dubai, Rom, Paris, Sri Lanka, Berlin, Istanbul, Malediven, Brasilien, Kreta, Hawaii, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Route 66. Wohin?
The Postcard Hotel is a collection of intimate luxury hotels hidden in holiday destinations across India, Sri Lanka & Bhutan. Each of our hotels is chosen and designed to take you to a world where holidays were simple and filled with beautiful experiences. Where holidays are slow, free of co...
Postcard: Jaffna The Civil War In Sri Lanka May Be over, but you can buy a land mine on the side of the road in Jaffna-though not the sort that can blow you up. In the main city on Sri Lanka's northernmost peninsula, besieged by two and a half decades of... A Perera - 《Tim...
Postcard: Jaffna The Civil War In Sri Lanka May Be over, but you can buy a land mine on the side of the road in Jaffna-though not the sort that can blow you up. In the main city on Sri Lanka's northernmost peninsula, besieged by two and a half decades of... A Perera - 《Tim...
SriLankan Airlines recently carried out a survey amongst its FlySmiLes loyalty membership to capture how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their perceptions and sentiments on travel. This included top tiers of Platinum, Gold, Classic & Silver tier co-branded credit card holders. The survey collat...
Following thelaunchof a trio of properties in Goa earlier this year, The Postcard Hotel will soon bring the India-based boutique luxury hotel brand into Sri Lanka and Bhutan this November. The Postcard Dewa hotel in Bhutan will feature 15 suites, while The Postcard Galle in Sri Lanka will...