3D Structure Determination by X‐RayEnzyme Catalyzed Post‐translational Hydroxylation of ProteinsGlycosylation of ProteinsMass Spectrometry: MS/MSProtein Databases... About this entry Cite this entry (2005). Post‐Translational Modification. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular...
For each modification, a description will be given about the residues modified, the enzymatic reaction mechanisms, the major known biological functions, and its relevance to human diseases. At the end, we discuss challenges in identifying new pathways regulated by known PTM and discovering new PTM....
This modification causes conformational changes that either (1) affect the catalytic activity to activate or inactive the protein and/or the tendency of a protein to misfold and aggregate [51] or (2) recruit other proteins to bind; both result in altered protein function and cell signaling [...
However, after treatment with oridonin, the modification pattern of IRAK4 expression stimulated by LPS/D-Gal was suggestively attenuated. Conclusion. Our study revealed that the protective effects of oridonin on LPS/D-Gal-induced ALI mediated by inhibition of the PTMs of IRAK4, including ...