in asking for changes, possibly in order not to be seen as siding with the U.S. against Russia and Myanmar. 中国最终站在了俄罗斯这一边,要求草案做 出变动, 这一转变很可能 是因为中国不愿被视为站在美国一边,共同对抗俄 罗斯和缅甸。 crisisgroup.orgSo, while they are aware...
aggression, but also realize the crux of the issue so that they will oppose any acts of war that may possibly occur in future. 我們要日本人正視歷史,不單止要他們反省過去的侵略 行為,更要讓他們意識到問題所在,從而反對日後可能再發生的 戰 爭 行 為。 [...] ti...
public reactionpossiblycaused by the event, the previous strategy and experience in handling similar events, the restrictions tobepossiblyencountered when taking actions, and so [...] 在處理任何公眾活動時,警方會考慮參與活動 的人數、活動可能引起的公眾反應、過往處理同類活動...
in the future, because there is nothing we can really ask. [...] 旦監察,便會破壞工作高度的保密性,破壞工作的有效性,於是危害整 個社會安全;如果以這樣的心態 ⎯⎯ 我再強調一次 ⎯⎯ 以這樣的邏 輯、這樣的心態、這樣的立場來處事,那麼政府今次要求撥款8,000萬...
Those who wish to symbolize their dedication to Jehovah by baptism should inform the presiding overseer as soon as possible. Tey, sum ynskja at verða doypt, skulu so skjótt sum møguligt siga tað við forsætisumsjónarmannin. jw2019 What if you determine that this is ...
The love is in a winter wisp sunlight, makes the human who suffers hunger and cold to feel the especially warmth; The love is in desert spring, causes the human who has a parched mouth to ignite fire of the hope; The love is on prolonged drought earth torrential downpour, is the human...
Scores of bees of different bee-keepers who lived in the area thus died when they came into contact with the poison. Six bee-keepers assigned their possible claims for damages to the local bee-keepers' association, which thereupon sued five fruit tree owners for damages.Springer Vienna...
【题】 How can we possibly cope with thelarge amount of information about virus spread, canceled plans and uncertainty about the future? Some people are buried in the fear, anziety and sadness, checking news sites and social media constantly. Others try to be prevented from knowing it all an...
The maddest athlete in Budapest was undoubtedly Sifan Hassan. Attempting three events questions anyone sanity but she ran a far too extravagant 1500m heat on the morning of her 10,000m final needlessly winning. In the 25 lap event, she veered wide in the straight to disrupt a fast approachi...
public reactionpossiblycaused by the event, the previous strategy and experience in handling similar events, the restrictions tobepossiblyencountered when taking actions, and so [...] 在處理任何公眾活動時,警方會考慮參與活動 的人數、活動可能引起的公眾反應、過往處理同類活動...