Economists say nearly 30 percent of the nation's freight happens through rail. "If they go on strike for whatever number of days they plan to, it could have a crippling effect on the supply chain," said Dr. Sanjay Varshney, a Professor of Finance at Sacramento State. Meaning the stubb...
Possible Rail Strike NearsHICKSVILLE, N.Y. - Anxiety grew among the nearly 300,000 dailyriders caught in the middle of a...Frank EltmanRachelle Blidner
ZCA Service Update - Possible CN Rail StrikeService updates All Countries Dear Valued Customer, Following the recent decision by the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB), which determined that none of the services provided by the railways are essential by law, CN railway is preparing for a ...
possible time for passengers.' Aslef and the Rail Maritime and Transport Union ordered the strike ballot last month after talks with ScotRail broke down over an 8.2 per cent productivity-related offer to the drivers.On Monday, a 16.5... J Brocklebank - Train Misery on Mondays as the Unions...
President Joe Biden put pressure on the railroads and unions toreach a deal last monthahead of a mid-September deadline to allow a strike or walkout. Many businesses also urged Congress to be ready to intervene in the dispute and block a strike if an agreement wasn't reached because so ...
transactions in currencies other than the functional currency of that entity (foreign currencies) are recorded in the respective functional currency (i.e. the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates) at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactio...
Deliveries of commodities such as coal could face delays starting next month if members of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference go on strike. The earliest a strike could begin is 12:01am ET on 22 May. But any work stoppage at either Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City ...
All-out rail strike possible after pay talks stallBilly Briggs
We understand the importance of reliable transportation services to your operations and are committed to mitigating any potential disruptions to the best of our ability. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period and will keep you updated on the status of the strike and its ...
Preparing for the worst: agencies, public face possible NJ Transit rail strikeCHRISTOPHER MAAG