It seems however that the possibility of having occurrents in a pre- sentist framework is much more controversial than the parallel possibility, namely admitting continuants, for the eternalist. The plan is as follows: in section §2, I will explain why a presentist might want occurrents in...
a采用多中心、双盲、随机、平行分组、安慰剂对照、单次给药的研究 Uses the multi-centers, double blindly, stochastic, the parallel grouping, the placebo comparison, single gives the medicine the research [translate] a探索宇宙奥秘的道路有很多条。小宇宙之外还有多 The exploration universe mystery path ...
(corresponding to the last row and last col- umn of the above polarization matrix) parallel to the propaga- Table 5 The classification of the Riemann curvature components by their effect on test particles [54,55] Ωi j Rni nl Rlnln , ω Transverse effect Longitudinal effect Newton–Coulomb...
In summary, the distinction between the domain of possibility and the domain of actuality runs parallel to the distinction between parameter-time and event-time. Both ways of being and both temporalities are necessary to fully understand the quantum world. Moreover, the relational picture of time ...
When the wave function collapses, we get all the possibilities becoming actual, each in its own parallel universe. I am not sure what kind of advantage this theory is supposed to confer on the physics, especially when it is a particularly eggregious violation of Ockham's Razor, as was ...
Over the past few centuries, science can be said to have gradually chipped away at the traditional grounds for believing in God. Much of what once seemed mysterious — the existence of humanity, the life-bearing perfection of Earth, the workings of the universe — can now be explained by bi...