Some stylebooks recommend a single apostrophe for Biblical or classical names likeJesusandAchilles, but’sfor names likeJamesandCharles; others say, “Treat all names ending insthe same.” TheChicago Manual of Styleonce recommended a single apostrophe to form the possessive of Biblical or classical...
IELTS Grammaris an essential part of every language, and IELTS assesses an individual on various aspects of their skills in the English language. One of the most mandatory skills that a candidate must demonstrate to obtain a higherIELTS band scoreis the use of advanced grammar such as Possessiv...
Apostrophes and s’s cause lots of problems in writing: plural possessives, possessive pronouns, pluralizing last names etc. Here are some tips: Image byPeggy und Marco Lachmann-AnkefromPixabay Plural nouns very rarely have apostrophes. Very, very rarely. The only ones I can think of offhand...
Rule 2d. Things can get really confusing with the possessive plurals of proper names ending in s, such as Hastings and Jones. If you’re the guest of the Ford family—the Fords—you’re the Fords’ guest (Ford + s + apostrophe). But what if it’s the Hastings family? My question...
Of 's a part to a unitary ( single ) whole A8The man's arm was broken,or A81The arm of the man was broken 1.3.'swith nouns already ending ins. no hard rule ...s's ...s' s. guideline s's s' s's James' father 'James's father' ...
Unfortunately, we also operate in a number of countries that have plural names; think: Netherlands and Cayman Islands. What is the possessive form in these cases? Is it "Coca Cola Netherlands' workers are happy" or "Coca Cola Netherlands's workers are happy"? I nudge towa...
names are used to specify both case ending and number. Theacc-sgandacc-plvalues are only valid for certain pronouns. For all other parts of speech, one ofnom-sg,nom-pl,gen-sg, orgen-plshould be used instead. The list of valid case+number values can be found inwiktfinnish.CASE_FORMS....