Some stylebooks recommend a single apostrophe for Biblical or classical names likeJesusandAchilles, but’sfor names likeJamesandCharles; others say, “Treat all names ending insthe same.” TheChicago Manual of Styleonce recommended a single apostrophe to form the possessive of Biblical or classical...
YOUR TURN: Type in the correct word for each blank. the house belonging to Mr. Janus -> 11. Where is house? the shoes belonging to Curtis -> 12. Those are shoes. the sister of Ross -> 13. Monica is sister.ALTERNATE RULE FOUR: For names ending in S, simply add an apostrophe (s...
For example: Jesus’teachings Zeus’stemper Some people apply it to more recent names as well, such asDr.Seuss’swritingsorKenny Rogers’songs, while others believe they all should also get an additionalS. Singular nouns in plural form Rule 4: When it comes to singular nouns that are plural...
Rule 2d. Things can get really confusing with the possessive plurals of proper names ending in s, such as Hastings and Jones. If you’re the guest of the Ford family—the Fords—you’re the Fords’ guest (Ford + s + apostrophe). But what if it’s the Hastings family? My question...
The genitive and the structure can describe different types of relationships such as ownership, origin, and subject. To avoid confusion when we are describing more than one relationship between nouns in a phrase, we prefer to use the’sgenitive for the origin, owner or creator, and the of st...
B61The train's departure was delayed for an hour. B32 Thenew book was launchedvery successfully (subj. + passive verb) B62 thetrain departedan hour later than planned (subj. + active verb) 2.1. Relating a part to a whole (inanimates) or a group to its constituents ...
The following names are used to specify both case ending and number. The acc-sg and acc-pl values are only valid for certain pronouns. For all other parts of speech, one of nom-sg, nom-pl, gen-sg, or gen-pl should be used instead. The list of valid case+number values can be ...