We very often use possessive 's with names:This is Mary's car. Where is Ram's telephone? Who took Anthony's pen? I like Tara's hair.When a name ends in s, we usually treat it like any other singular noun, and add 's:This is Charles's chair....
● 名词所有格用来表示所属关系,通常在名词词尾加上’S,如Charlotte’s Web《夏洛特的网》。 ● Apostrophe + S (’S) has 3 three meanings in English. ● 英语中’S表示三种含义: ◆ When an apostrophe is followed by an adjective, then the apostrophe is a contraction of IS, as...
●名词所有格用来表示所属关系,通常在名词词尾加上 ’S,如Charlotte’s Web《夏洛特的网》。●Apostrophe + S (’S) has 3 three meanings in English.●英语中’S表示三种含义:◆ When an apostrophe is followed by an adjective, then the apostrophe is a contraction of IS, as in the sentence Andy...
You can tell that the proper name is being used as an adjective because the sentence sounds natural when you put I am a in front of it. Both of these formulations are fine, although the meaning is different. But since the question specifically has the possessives tag, it's the first ve...
● 名词所有格用来表示所属关系,通常在名词词尾加上 ’S,如Charlotte’s Web《夏洛特的网》。 ●Apostrophe + S (’S) has 3 three meanings in English. ●英语中’S表示三种含义: ◆ When an apostrophe is followed by an adjective, then the apostrophe is a contraction of IS, as in the sentenceAn...
A possessive noun is a noun that shows possession by adding 's or just an apostrophe to the end. When forming a possessive noun, everything to the left of the apostrophe is the possessor.
● 名词所有格用来表示所属关系,通常在名词词尾加上 ’S,如Charlotte’s Web《夏洛特的网》。 ●Apostrophe + S (’S) has 3 three meanings in English. ●英语中’S表示三种含义: ◆ When an apostrophe is followed by an adjective, then the apostrophe is a contraction of IS, as in the sentenceAn...
When a noun is written in quotation marks (e.g., a song title, the name of a poem), don’t attempt to form the possessive in this way. It looks messy, and the reader is unlikely to notice the apostrophe. Use a different phrasing. “Hey Jude”’s lyrics “Hey Jude’s” lyrics ...
Obsessive Over the Possessive on the Supreme Court of the United States: Exploring SCOTUS'/SCOTUS's Use of Possessive Apostrophes U.S. Supreme Court justices often use apostrophes in their written opinions. This is not without controversy because when a noun ends in an s and is then u... ...
Possessives with inanimate nouns When it comes to inanimate nouns—nouns that name things like buildings, household objects, furniture, and anything else nonliving—there are a range of views held by usage authorities about whether it is correct to use them in the possessive. The most conservative...