Real-Life Examples of Possessive Adjectives personal pronoun Personal PronounPossessive AdjectiveExample ImyI do not choose thatmygraveshould be dug while I am still alive. (Queen Elizabeth I) youyourIf you want peace, you don't talk toyourfriends. You talk toyourenemies. (South African cleric...
Examples Of Possessive Adjectives. Myaim in life is to become a doctor Is thisyourdesk? Mike crashedhisbike into a wall Hersister sings in a sweet voice The dog was lickingitspaws Mike and Peter have invited me totheirparty These possessive adjectives are used according to the number, gender...
Learn about possessive adjectives with examples and usage of them in the English language. Discover how the use of determiners can show who...
Possessive adjectives in English are placed before a noun to show that the noun belongs to a particular person or thing.
Possessive adjectives are used before nouns to indicate ownership or possession. In English, there are seven commonly used possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, and their. Let’s explore each one in detail: 1. My •Definition: This possessive adjective is used to indicate ...
The possessive determiners "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," and "their" (called possessive adjectives in traditional grammar) are also classified as possessive pronouns because they too replace nouns and show ownership. (They are said to be "pronominal," i.e., having the tra...
Hisjacket is black. ( “Your” and “his” are possessive adjectives; they modify the noun “jacket” in both examples.) What color isyours? Mineis blue. (“Yours” and “mine” are possessive pronouns –“Yours” functions as a subject complement in the first example; “mine” functions...
Define possessive adjective. possessive adjective synonyms, possessive adjective pronunciation, possessive adjective translation, English dictionary definition of possessive adjective. n. A pronominal adjective expressing possession. American Heritage
Possessive Pronouns: Learn all about possessive pronouns and its usage in this article. Explore the examples and test your understanding of possessive pronouns by working out the practice exercise.
Possessive NounsDefinition 所有格名词定义 Possessive nounsare nouns that show ownership or possession. Normally these words would be a singular or plural noun, but in the possessive form they are used as adjectives to modify another a noun or pronoun. 所有格名词是表示所有权或占有的名词。通常这些词...