If the application provides custom memory allocations functions via CRYPTO_set_mem_functions() then those should be used instead something else like posix_memalign(). The applications might verify alloc and free calls and pointers from posix_memalign() were never returned by the implementations. At...
POSIX_TYPED_MEM_ALLOCATE_CONTIG Themmap()function allocates and maps a previously unallocated single contiguous area of the typed memory pool (also mapped to a contiguous portion of the process address space). NeitherPOSIX_TYPED_MEM_ALLOCATEnorPOSIX_TYPED_MEM_ALLOCATE_CONTIG ...
libmemstream libmemstream是OS X的动态内存缓冲区流功能(即,和 )的实现。 源代码是基于在的 。 建造 要构建该库,只需从项目的根目录运行./build即可。 这将在output子目录中产生所有输出。 正在安装 要安装该库,请先对其进行构建,然后以超级用户身份从项目的根目录运行./install 。 这会将库安装在默认前缀...