Pthread_mutex_init(&ptr->mutex, &mattr);//设置标准输出无缓冲setbuf(stdout, NULL);if(Fork() ==0) {for(inti =0; i < nloop; ++i) {//有名信号量//Sem_wait(mutex);//无名信号量//Sem_wait(&ptr->mutex);//互斥量Pthread_mutex_lock(&ptr->mutex); printf("child: %d\n", (ptr->c...
Re: posix shell read loop premature EOF condition Thanks for all of your responses. Steven, Checking the file for binary data was the 1st thing I looked at. Nothing untoward there. A.Clay, I think you've got it. The process that creates the file must have still had the file ope...
modernish --use=var/loop -c 'LOOP for i=1 to 10; DO putln "$i"; DONE' Run a portable-form modernish program using zsh and enhanced-prompt xtrace: zsh /usr/local/bin/modernish -o xtrace /path/to/program.shShell capability detectionModern...
SHELLBENCH_BENCHMARK_TIME Benchmark execution time 3 SHELLBENCH_WARMUP_TIME Benchmark preparation time 1 SHELLBENCH_NAME_WIDTH Display width of benchmark name 30 SHELLBENCH_COUNT_WIDTH Display width of benchamrk count 10 SHELLBENCH_NULLLOOP_COUNT null loop measurement How...
出现这个错误是因为您要在Safari的tell window块中写入该文件,而该块无法工作。
示例5: one_loop ▲点赞 1▼ defone_loop(self):ret =Truefor(fd, ev)inself.poller.poll(1000):ifev & (select.POLLERR | select.POLLHUP): self.flush_outputs() self.poller.unregister(fd) ret =Falseifev & select.POLLIN: data =,4096)ifnotdata: ...
shell_exec shmop_close shmop_delete shmop_open shmop_read shmop_size shmop_write shm_attach shm_detach shm_get_var shm_has_var shm_put_var shm_remove shm_remove_var SyncEvent (class) SyncEvent::fire SyncEvent::reset SyncEvent::wait SyncEvent::__construct SyncMutex (class) SyncMutex::loc...
(mutex = sem_open(argv[2],0)) ==SEM_FAILED)46{47 printf("sem_open error");48 exit(-1);49}50 pid =getpid();51for(i=0;i<nloop;i++)52{53 sem_wait(mutex);//锁住信号量54 printf("pid %ld: %d\n",(long) pid,ptr->count++);55 sem_post(mutex);//释放信号量56}57 exit(0...
qfsshell -s localhost -p 20000 -q -- mkdir /qfs/tmp # Create file containing Hello World, Reed-Solomon encoded, replication 1. echo 'Hello World' \ | cptoqfs -s localhost -p 20000 -S -r 1 -k /qfs/tmp/helloworld -d -
For example, if you runviminside the default Cygwin Terminal,vimis a child of your shell, which is a child ofmintty. If you edit/etc/nsswitch.confin thatviminstance, your shell won't immediately see the change, nor willvimif you restart it from that same shell instance. This is because...