NULL);// 等待接收线程结束,如果接收线程已经结束,则立即返回,否则阻塞等待其结束pthread_join(receiver,NULL);// 关闭已打开的消息队列描述符mq所引用的消息队列,并释放由该描述符占用的所有资源mq_close(mq);// 删除名为QUEUE_NAME的消息队列,并将其从系统中删除,如果成功则返回0,否则返回-1并设置errno...
Send/Receive messages through the message queue //发送消息 int mq_send(mqd_t mqdes, const char *msg_ptr,size_t msg_len, unsigned int msg_prio); //接收消息,总是返回指定消息队列最高优先级的最早信息,而且该优先级能随着该消息的内容以及长度一同返回. ssize_t mq_receive(mqd_t mqdes, char...
是 System V IPC 中最快的通信方式。System V IPC 在 Linux 中的实现 1. 消息队列(Message Queues...
How the system actually allocate the memory when we create a posix queue of 1024 bytes for a message and for example 100000 as the max number of messages ? Are the 1024 * 100000 bytes allocated when the queue is created or at usage time that is when we really put some messages on the...
An example callback function is provided which takes a FreeRTOS queue as a parameter and delivers the received packet to that queue. Sockets can also be opened that are for sending only, which is done by passing NULL parameters to the open function. The Serial communication example is very ...
POSIX message queue mq_open directory hello, I try to test the POSIX mq_open function on book unp like below: #include "unpipc.h" # include <mqueue.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c, flags; mqd_t mqd; flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ...
Refer tomsggetfor an example that establishes IPC Client using XMessage Queues. Refer tomsgctlfor an example that establishes an IPC Server using Message Queues. Also, it uses UNIX System Service's extended Message structure. ,msgget,msgrcv,msgxrcv...
structmq_attr{longmq_flags;/* Flags: 0 or O_NONBLOCK */longmq_maxmsg;/* Max. # of messages on queue */longmq_msgsize;/* Max. message size (bytes) */longmq_curmsgs;/* # of messages currently in queue */}; mq_maxmsg和mq_msgsize在创建时就确定好,创建好后无法再进行调整。只能调...
rename old msg_queue/msg_queue_handler to fixed_msg_queue/fixed_msg_queue_handler extract msg_queue_errno to header. 1.0.0 ~ 1.4.0 Release log not record on here, see commit log for more details. btw: suggest use the latest code for example, ver 1.4.0 commit log url is https://gi...
Using#ifdefstatements to isolate sections of code based on the platform. For example, INTERIX supports POSIX.1, ANSI/ISO C, and many interfaces from both historical BSD and SVR4 systems. Older code written using#ifdefsmay make assumptions about the platform that are not valid. For example, co...