In this Article, Professor Millon suggests that doctrinal legal history is based implicitly on the modern positivist theory of law as a system of state-endorsed rules designed to resolve disputes in a consistent, predictable manner. He questions the validity of efforts to write the history of the...
5.-.Empiricism,.Sensationalism,.and.Positivism电子版.pdf,CHAPTER 5 — Empiricism,Sensationalism, and Positivism Descartes was so influential that most of the philoso- and with some of the Renaissance humanists, such as phies that developed after him we
This discourse entails opposed answers to questions of scientific verification in ethics, the status of ethics in relation to psychology, and the place of ethical concepts on the subjective-objective continuum. Publication History Issue published online: 2 APR 2007 Article first published online: 2 ...
36. Dworkin goes on to develop an account in which (under different names) realism, positivism, and Dworkins own theory are set in opposition. See also Theodore Benditt, Law as Rule and Principle (Stanford,Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1978),p. 61 (legal realism contrasts with ...
In Theory and Psychology, 11 (3), 297-321.Hibberd, F. (2001a). Gergen's social constructionism, logical positivism and the continuity of error. Part 1: conventional- ism. Theory & Psychology, 11, 297-321.Hibberd, F. J. (2001a) Gergen's social construction ism, logical positivism and...
The Origin of Neo-Positivism; a Chapter in the History of Recent Philosophy. By Prof. Victor Kraft. Translated from the German ‘Der Wiener Kreis’ by Arthur Pap. Pp. xii + 209. (New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1953.) 3.75 dollars. Article PDF Rights and permissions Reprints and...
Indeed Mormonism brought with it the reality of the divine in history. The Book of Mormon itself is ample testimony of this important facet of the religion. Some of the holiest experiences in Church history have now become a sanctified part of the scriptural record. One feels compelled to ...
The Three Antinomies of Modern Legal Positivism and Their Resolution in Christian Legal ThoughtLegal historylaw and religionCatholic social thoughtjurisprudenceChristian legal thinkers have shaped and formed Western law from the latter days of the Roman Empire until nearly our own age. Historically, ...
The rest of the paper shall be concerned with a comprehensive exploration of the nature of African jurisprudence. In the preliminary sense, African Jurisprudence is a derivative of the existing pattern of thought and belief system prevalent in each African. In a great deal, this existing pattern ...
I begin concluding this book with an epilogue, in which I briefly turn towards the history of social sciences in the twentieth century. Specifically, I look at how Durkheim's sociological mode of existence was furthered by such students as Marcel Mauss in France and Talcott Parsons in the US...