它帮助减少贫困。 It encourages innovation and creativity in business 它鼓励商业中的创新与创造。 We live in a global economy 我们生活在全球化的经济中。 We have a better quality of life 我们拥有更好地生活质量。 消费主义的坏处 negatives of consumerism Consumerist societies create more waste 消费主义...
通过领取补助,他们可以继续养活自己的家庭。 The benefits system helps to reduce poverty, homelessness, and crime 补助体系帮助减少贫困、无家可归人群以及犯罪。 失业补助的坏处 negatives of unemployment benefits Some people claim benefits rather than working 一些人领取补助而不想工作。 They become dependent ...
In order to identify the negative and positive aspects observed during recreation/tourism visits to the FLONA, an in-person visitor use survey was conducted at the FLONA. As part of a larger study, the objective of this manuscript was to identify the positives and negatives of the visitation ...
2. positiv雅: positiv concrete positiv definite 法律positiveForderungsverletzung breachofanobligationotherthanbydelayorimpossibility positiveVertragsverletzung specialbreachofcontract 单数在互联网中有5个示例复数在互联网中有5个示例 3. positiv数学:
雅思写作大作文思路 替代医疗的好处与坏处 positives and negatives of alternative medicine 今天我们雅思写作大作文思路的文章来研究下替代医疗的好处与坏处。所谓替代医疗主要是针对于正统的西医来说的。即除了西医之外所有的疗法都可以被看作是替代医疗,比如我们中国人很熟悉的中药、针灸、拔火罐等。这些传统的医学在西...
Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism 基因工程是操纵有机物内部基因的操作。 It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases 它用来生产对昆虫和疾病更有抵抗力的粮食作物。
公共交通的缺点 negatives of public transport Public transport is often slow and unreliable 公共交通通常很慢,而且不太可靠。 Metro systems and trains are often dirty and crowded 地铁系统和火车通常又脏又拥挤。 People feel like “sardines in a can” ...
雅思写作大作文思路 核电的好处与坏处 positives and negatives of nuclear power 今天我们雅思写作大作文思路的文章来研究下核电的好处与坏处。随着环境问题越来越严重,人们逐渐意识到传统火力发电对环境的破坏。在建设新的发电厂的时候,替代能源越来越多的被考虑。除了水力发电和风力发电之外,核电也一直是人们关注的领域...
Programmes can also be informative and educational 节目也可以增长见闻并具有教育性。 News coverage makes the public aware of events around the world 新闻报道使公众了解世界上发生的事情。 Documentaries can make learning more interesting 纪录片可以使学习更加有趣。